Saturday, October 8, 2011

Stash Report Week #41

A finish this week!  I think I finished my monochromatic challenge in record time for me... 3 days.  The link is here.

I quilted seven more blocks of Favorite Things.  If I quilt seven a week, I will have the center and one side of the borders complete by the end of October, meaning I will have only three sides of borders to finish in November to still have a finished quilt for our bed before the winter is half begun.

I survived my first craft show.  Do you want to know the silliest part?  Despite my photo-awesome sister being there with me, we didn't take a. single. picture.  Nope.  Notta one.  I made more money than I expected, enough to pay back 75% of what I borrowed from the family budget to finance this endeavor.  I will be proud when I am no longer in debt.  I don't like debt, even between my husband and I.  I should be able to pay off the debt by the end of the year!

I "unofficially" released my new pattern at the craft show, belatedly realizing that NOWHERE on the cover does it say the finished size of the table runner!  Oops.  I DID sell two patterns (but no table runners... that's okay, they're for Christmas anyway!).  After I correctly my little glitch about the cover, I will have on "official" release of the pattern here.  Hopefully that will take place next week.  Stay tuned, as I will give away a free pattern (and you, oh lovely pattern testers, will get one of your own, of course!).  (See a finished one!)

Three special hat orders, then I think I'm taking a week off of crocheting... My wrists and thumbs could use it.

The children, all three of them, are finally on the mend, and I am feeling much better after a lightning attack of the WORST mastitis I have ever suffered (and this is the fourth time, I think).

I'm going to bed to listen to the rain and just RELAX.

Check out the other stash reports at Judy's place.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Suzanne said... have had an amazing week!

Alzbeta said...

Mom didn't take one when she came back? She promised she would! I'm sorry!

Living the Lewis Lifestyle said...

Glad things went so well! Your stuff is adorable, I am sure you will continue in your success! Sorry to hear about your mastitis...I have only had it the once, but man, it left me useless for days :(

SpinningStar said...

Congrats on getting the pattern finished. liz

Lori said...

Laughed at not remembering to take pictures during the craft show. sounds like you're keeping busy. (Tongue in cheek!) Mastitis. sigh

End of Year…

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