Thursday, November 14, 2013


I quilted every day last week and so far this week, so I'm still chugging along.

I've realized this quilt provides ample time to pray for my sister and her family.  It also gives me time to think.  It is very difficult for me to sit still without a task to keep me busy. The repetitiveness of hand quilting allows me to think through my activities, prioritize, and remember all the "I'll do this later" things that I've forgotten.  It's lovely.

Now that it's cold, I'm enjoying folding up the quilt and draping it over my feet while I work!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Vicki W said...

I think handwork is like meditation. An hour of handwork is very energizing and healing.

Kate said...

Enjoy your hand-working time. The colder temps are just perfect for having a quilt on your lap.

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