Saturday, November 2, 2013

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Brownies!

My 2" squares are done for the month.
I've cut up the rest for my 9s and 6s.  Some of the 1" strips also fell under the blade, but I ran out of spots in my handy storage tray for tiny stacks of 1" squares.  I dare not leave such little fabric bits out or JoJo, who also chases the rotary cutter, will throw them to the four winds!

Although I never would have expected to enjoy working with browns, I find each piece of fabric in these blocks came from a quilt with special memories: a quilt for my brother in law, a special baby quilt for a cousin, my sons' Easter vests...  While this is true of many of my scraps, sometimes they have been used in many projects, in which case the various places fade into a blur.

There are many, many, far too many quilting projects (the actual quilting part) to be done this month, so I may not plow through as many brown scraps as I would like.  C'est la vie!

Other scrappy brown projects may be drooled over by visiting the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Sheila said...

Beautiful brown blocks, Zana. I've never tried to cut and sew 1" squares.

scraphappy said...

I can imagine how easy it would be to loose such tiny bits of fabrics. They make such a nice collection though I am sure it is worth the effort.

Mlada said...

I was just looking at my favorite quilt and our wedding ring quilt today and remembering where some of those scraps came from. Love you!

Ellen said...

Tiny blocks just look so much cuter!

Julie in GA said...

I love playing with my scraps and remembering using those same fabrics in past projects.

Angie said...

One of the things I love about the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is using fabrics from previous projects. The reminiscences are always happy memories!

Cathy said...

I think we are on the same wave length with our scraps this week but yours a just a little smaller than mine! Oh, and I just LOVE brown.

Quilter Kathy said...

I enjoy the memories that each scrap brings. ENjoy your projects this month!

Cathy Tomm said...

Love the little bits and little blocks.

Kate said...

Even if you can't do much, you did a bit. And every bit helps. Your blocks look good.

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