Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mail Goodies

On Thursday, a lovely package appeared in my door while I was out. I thought at first it was a book I ordered, but then I saw the postmark from England and knew it was even better.

Karol-Ann sent me some lovely things. These included a purse for me (you can buy them from her etsy shop), purses for the girls, and a cute blanket for Q. Very fun. Thank you, Karol-Ann! Your fabric will be on its way soon, I hope.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


sewkalico said...

What gorgeous photos!!! I am so pleased your parcel arrived so quickly!

Lori said...

wow, are they cute! (THE KIDS!) Can they come and play at my house??

No plants in the garden yet, it's stormy tonight. If it doesn't rain a bunch, maybe I can plant tomorrow. Don't worry, I will plant enough tomatoes for BOTH of us!

Stash Report Week #19 and 15 Minutes

 Alas, no changes to the stash report.  I did stitch binding onto my New York Beauty quilt this morning, so by the end of the next week, I’l...