Sunday, May 16, 2010

Stash Report Week #20

IN this week: 2 3/4 yards
IN YTD: 89 3/4 yards

OUT this week: 1/2 yard
OUT YTD: 108 3/4

YTD Total: 19 yards OUT

I bought some lovely yellow to make an outfit for my preemie niece, then a piece for the Assistant, and 2 star pieces for me.

My mom will come home from Colorado today, and my older sister will be back from a wedding. My newest niece (not the preemie) made it home last night. I'm ready for less excitement for a few days!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Barb in Mi said...

Wishing you a quiet week with time to sew! Maybe?

Lori in South Dakota said...

Wow, you've had a busy week. Lots of babies. Glad to hear everyone is doing OK.

Linda said...

Remember to take some time for yourself, even if you can manage only 15 minutes here and there. Breathe!

Stash Report Week #19 and 15 Minutes

 Alas, no changes to the stash report.  I did stitch binding onto my New York Beauty quilt this morning, so by the end of the next week, I’l...