Saturday, December 25, 2010

Stash Report Week #52

10 1/2 yards in this week... I had pictures, but forgive the lack thereof due to unforseen circumstances this evening (the Screamer just destroyed DH's paycheck).  I will be ending the year only 13 yards OUT, but since my stash is small to begin with, I am okay with those totals.  I'm still not sure that I'll be aiming to decrease my stash significantly next year, but I know I will be aiming to FINISH some projects that have been waiting to be begun for several years, hence the UFO list from Judy's.

We had a lovely Christmas together.  The Assistant loved to tear into (and distribute) all the presents, and Q loved the paper.  The Screamer found some toys with which to build, and her day was made too.

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Charlene S said...

Well, paychecks can be replaced with just a little bit of trouble! Fun with your family can never be replaced or recaptured.

SpinningStar said...

Considering that you are raising an active family, you did a great job with the stashbusting. And we'll have fun next year with the UFO busting!


The Week in Review

I finished the New York Beauty quilt.  Spunky took it to school for her art teacher, and he already sent home a thank you note, so I know it...