Saturday, April 9, 2011

Stash Report Week #15

Nothing in (despite many temptations), and nothing out YET.

I finished the Assistant's Easter dress, but I'm waiting until DH's vest and my skirt are done to count everything out.  The fabric is much thinner than I remembered, so she may need to wear a slip or undershirt.  Her birthday is in nine days.  My oldest will be five.  Wow.

I have worked on my UFO #4.  It still has a ways to go, but I am over 1/2 done sewing the pieces into rows.  You can see initial layout pictures here.  Of course, after I took these pictures, my daughters BOTH decided to rearrange by dumping significant portions of it onto the floor.  Life with kids, you know?

My orange table runner is cut and in the process of being pieced.

It's unreasonably hot for April - 90 degrees F as I type this.

The pink and green quilt has 26 of 49 blocks quilted.  I'm on the downhill side of the mountain now!

Please be so kind as to check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Kate said...

Nothing in counts as progress, so you had a good week.

You must be an excellent time manager if you find any time to sew with 3 under the age of 5!

Jo said...

Love the rainbow of your UFO #4. I've been working on mine too. I have to order fabric for borders for mine....hopefully it's coming tomorrow.

krisgray said...

It was crazy hot at our house, too. Definitely not sewing weather!

Lori said...

can't believe they're that old!

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