Saturday, April 23, 2011

Stash Report Week #17 (somewhere I lost count!)

A blessed Easter to you all!

Mid-week, I completed my UFO into a small (13"x36") table runner.  Now it's going into the gift box for Christmas!  I can see where the piecing is less than perfect, but I was working with pieces I had cut years ago, as well as pieces the Assistant had gnawed when she was a baby.  Distortion was bound to happen.
UFO #4 Complete!
 I think the Screamer would have preferred to stay here all week.  It was a hard week for her.
Hide-and-go-seek, anyone?
 My monochromatic challenge is also complete for April!  Surprise, surprise, it's another table runner.  This one definitely has a Halloween-y feel, so I'm not sure who I'll gift it to, but I'm having fun with these.
Orange Monochromatic Project

Quilting Detail (Chalk hasn't been washed off yet)

The back looks pretty snazzy by itself too!

I also finished the pink and green quilt in a flurry, hoping to deliver it on Holy Saturday before we dyed eggs as my sister's, and (gasp) I didn't take a picture of it!?!!

IN this week: 0 yards
IN YTD: 140 3/4 yards

OUT this week: 8 1/4 yards
OUT YTD: 40 yards

YTD Total: 100 3/4 yards IN... I've almost broken the 100 yard mark!  Too bad there is nothing in the pipe line for the near future.

I hemmed a prom dress for my daughter's teacher's daughter.

Next up?  Until the new UFO and colors are chosen for May, I may try to whip up a sleeping bag for the Screamer.  After that, I need to work on the new bed quilt for Screamer.

Next weekend, without DH and the Assistant, I and the younger two kiddos are going to Omaha with my mom to be with my godfather's sisters.  My husband has insisted that I visit at least one quilt shop on the way.

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Karen said...

I love your orange tablerunner. It will make a great gift. Happy Easter.

Alzbeta said...

Katie, I love, love, love how both table runners turned out!!

Poor screamer, I hope this week is better for her. She's so cute!

Happy Easter, dearest sissy!

Jennifer said...

Great week for you - both of your finished projects look great.

Kate said...

The table runners are such differnt styles, but both are beautiful.

Pat said...

I love the orange tablerunner! Especially the quilting. Very nice!

Marg said...

I love both your table runners, they will make great gifts.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Great table runner!

Rabid Quilter from California said...

Those tiny pieces! That great color blending! You have a winner in that table runner. Great job!

BetsyE said...

Love the UFO finish! Great colors. I feel like the Screamer today... can I join her?

Donna~~ said...

Love your April finish--great color usage! And the quilting on your orange tablerunner is delightful! Congrats on a productive month! (You should taperecord the screamer now while she's young--fun to listen to or for blackmail use when she's older!)

JudyCinNC said...

Great April finishes - love the colors. Judy C

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