Friday, March 28, 2014

New Quilt Top

I really need to stop making so many quilting goals for each month.  Fortunately, beginning this year, I think I have a plan to make my life easier... for next year!

The fact of the matter is that it has been my habit to make a quilt for each of my children's teachers.  This year, what with starting a new school, having giant gardens, and having four kids, I didn't really think about the two quilts I needed until... November.  Oops.

This is the top for the Assistant's teacher.  I am aiming to finish it in April because May will be full of first communion, a wedding, gardening, and the end of school madness that arrives each year.  I considered adding a border but decided lap size is great and I will only create backing nightmares for myself if I make it any bigger.

For next year's three quilts, as Bear Cub Q will be in prek, I am utilizing my rainbow scrap blocks.  Depending on what I do with my 2" 36 patches, I may have all three quilts ready to go by December! I will definitely use my Carrie Nation blocks and my sampler blocks to make teacher quilts, so there will be no mad piecing to do.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Very pretty! All the green reminds me of spring.

I made 5 teacher quilts last year, what a challenge. You are smart to get them done early. I really should talk to DT about which high school teachers she'll have for multiple years. I'm pretty sure this year's math teacher qualifies, as will her newspaper teacher. I should be smart and start on those now!

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...