Thursday, December 3, 2015

December Goals

In November, I wanted to...
1.  Use lime green scraps.  I made the last 16-patches, more Bits and Bobs, trim scraps, and cut for a Twinker Star quilt in green and pink.

2.  Finish Grandpa's quilt.  Done!

3.  Piece my hexi backing.  I managed to get all the bits to 4-patches.

4.  The Assistant has a quilt in the works.  The quilt was basted by the end of the month, and I finished it last night.

5.  Ugh. Mending.  True story.  Finishing the mending guarantees the family will produce at least as much, if not more, new mending on the day I finish the old.

In December, I hope to
1. Keep on the scrap management train.  I already trimmed the bucket down for the month, and I would like to finish the 16-patch quilt by the end of the month.

2. Finish the Assistant's quilt.  (A bit of a cheater goal now, since it's already done!)

3.  Baste the hexi quilt.  This would require that I finish piecing the backing.

4.  Sew a T-shirt quilt for a friend.

5.  Finish my sister's T-shirt quilt.  I currently have the top pieced and am the process of piecing the back.

6.  Spunky has been wanting a project of her own.  I cut a layer cake into charm squares, and we're piecing 4-patches together.  Given all the "big" sewing to do in the above goals, I only desire progress.

7.  A friend asked for some jumpers and skirt for dolls.  If she brings the material in time, I'll get on this.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

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