Saturday, December 16, 2017

Racing to the Finish Line

What did I do this week?  I was at a loss when I first started this post!  Then I remembered some “side” sewing: sewing up a car bag for Sneaky Pete, who turned a year old; addressing the pile of mending and finishing that had accumulated on my chair; and finishing my Magnolia Mist Mystery (almost) to flimsy stage.

At some point later in the week, I finally put together that school ends Wednesday and I prefer to have the last teacher quilt ready to give by then.  Oops!  Wednesday and Thursday I basted, and Friday I had a quilting marathon that brought me within 85% of being done, wobbly borders and all.  Then Mr. 1 woke up, and that was that.  I can finish quilting and binding next week, so I’m back on track.  Whew!

Last night a migraine or equally disabling headache struck with full force, so I’m typing this up without pictures and getting off the iPad for a while.  It is easing slightly already, but I will behave myself.  Good luck with your finishes!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Angie in SoCal said...

Congrats on your 85% race to the finish. Almost there. Hope you are feeling better.

Cathy said...

Wow, you were a machine last week! I know the teachers will enjoy the quilts. Rest and relax and take care of yourself.

Deb A said...

Oh no! Hope the migrane was chased away with some rest. I am always amazed at what you get done with all the hustle and bustle of family life. Hope you have a peaceful weekend.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sneaky Pete is already ONE?!?! Where DOES the time go?? Best of luck on finishing the last teacher quilt. Hoping your headache is gone by now!

Shelina said...

Take care of yourself. The quilt can wait. I too hope your headache is gone forever.

End of Year…

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