Saturday, December 15, 2018

Winter Happenings

As is par for the course for mid-December, I have a cold turning into... bronchitis?  As soon as I finish this blog post, I'm headed to Urgent Care to see if I need an antibiotic.   The coughing slowed me down this week, so my 16-patches were ignored entirely in favor of this beauty...

 My Faceted Jewels quilt is now a flimsy.  Next week, if I feel well enough, the plan is to piece the binding, cut the batting, baste, and quilt.  If it's a really good week, I might finish it before my sister arrives so she can take it with her to the recipient!
I did increase the pile of pink nonsense on my sewing table.  This is for Miss G, who may not like it (she rejected the last quilt I made for her), and she only cares about it being pink.  I used up an amazing amount of pink for this quilt, which is just fine.

I'm mulling over my stash goals for next year.  It's completely ridiculous for me to plan on buying nothing, so I think I'll set a goal for how much fabric I have to have netted out for each quarter or month before I can buy more.  The stash cart is full, and I've no more space to store fabric, so I really do have to keep confined to my current space.

Be sure to check out all the varied projects this weekend!  Although I do love the flurry of finishes in November and December, I'm looking forward to January when the rainbow will come out to play again.  My sewing tends to get rather boring when I only have one or two projects to choose from each week.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Cathy said...

I hear you! I miss the rainbow colors too. Your flimsy is totally stunning! Here’s hoping you’re feeling better and well enough to tackle and finish all your goals!

scraphappy said...

The pink quilt will be a great opportunity to use up lots and lots of pinks. I'm sure it will be a bit hit. Hope you are feeling better soon. The only good thing about it is how much you will appreciate it when you feel better again.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Here's hoping that Miss G will like her new quilt! SEW smart of you to take care of your 2019 goal setting early. Feel better soon and get that lovely gray quilt done!!!

Deb A said...

Oh no... never a good time to get sick but December is the worst. Hope you are feeling better soon. Fingers crossed Miss G will approve of this quilt. Love your top quilt - the movement on it is wonderful with the blocks making the curved appearance.

Julierose said...

What a lovely flimsy--beautiful work..Hope you feel better soon...hugs, Julierose

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...