Saturday, November 2, 2019

Quick Work

When all the water freezes, I batten down the hatches for winter.  Of course, today it was over 60 again, so it’s not quite winter yet.  My chicks are getting big enough that they need to be moved out of my shed, so I’m trying to make repairs to an old coop before the beastly cold returns!

On the sewing front, I’m pleased to have finished another round of Garden Mosaic blocks.  I need to play with a few to decide how many more I need.  I think the most I would need is about 125, but maybe less.  I’ve seen two different numbers of blocks for the quilt, so I’ll need to refer back to my picture downstairs.

The rest of my sewing time, brief as it was, focused on a very cheerful project.  I love these blocks!  Since I made the blocks from my stash of hand dyed fabric, I dove back into it for 2” strips for sashing.  I know it’s not a “perfect” color wash, but I was using what I had.  I did choose to make the quilt wider than tall so several kids can sit under it and examine blocks.  The backing, for which I had initially considered some rainbow layout, is going to be blue with snowflakes, as I have a long enough piece that I only need one seam.  I’m still tired (nope, no answers, but the headaches currently don’t require daily ibuprofen, so there you go), so plain Jane will do.

I’m looking forward to a flurry of finishes over the next few months: Tiny Tuesday sampler, 2 Great Granny Squared quilts, Lepidoptera, and (big maybes) either the 16 patch quilt or Garden Mosaic.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. Be sure to check out all the rainbow projects this weekend!


Mari said...

Oooh, your tiny sampler looks great! I love the rainbow effect. Looking forward to your flurry of finishes, and I'm glad that the headaches are getting a bit better.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your TT sampler is wonderful with its pretty sashing, Katie! I love how that came together!

Cathy said...

I think the color wash attempt was very successful, and your quilt is adorable. Great idea to size it so it's useful! I hope you're feeling 100% soon and the tiredness wears off.

maggie fellow said...

the sampler looks great with sashings - really nice

Susie H said...

FANTASTIC!!! I don't see anything wrong with the color wash -- looks great to me!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Awesome job on your TT quilt, Katie!!

Kate said...

Very fun and bright. I find my RSC projects end up being some most favorite.

grammajudyb said...

I love your color matched sashings. What a great idea!

Alzbeta Volk said...

Loooove how it's turning out! You are so amazingly talented, Katie! When I don't feel good, my creativity is not at its best, so I am amazing at how much you can get done when you haven't been feeling great.

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