Saturday, December 28, 2019

Rainbow Scrap Challenge at the End of the Year

What a year, eh?  I am hoping for a few lazy days at the end, with plenty of sewing and less cleaning and laundry, but we’ll see.  The last week didn’t involve much sewing, just some hand quilting and one little table topper flimsy for my mom, which needs embroidery from my sister before I can finish.

I am very pleased with my goals for the year.
1.  I met my goal of 30 yards out for the year.  I’m currently sitting at 49 1/2 yards out, but I ordered about 19 yards on clearance for backings for next year as I don’t have many pieces of large yardage.  I am pretty sure over the last few years I’ve failed at stash busting after I succumb to good sales, but this year I was able to behave myself!
2.  While I didn’t use up all my 2.5” scraps (because do the scraps ever get used up?), but I made good progress with all my scraps.  I finished 9s and stars, one Garden Mosaic quilt, two Great Granny Squared quilts, and the SoScrappy Sampler.  I will finish another giant 16 patch quilt with cool colors (the blocks were all made as leaders and enders), another Garden Mosaic quilt (probably baby sized), and Lepidoptera.  Today I have a goal of basting Lepidoptera.
3.  Of the new projects I chose at the beginning of the year, I finished 8.  One more is being hand quilting, another is waiting for basting, and the last two were laid aside.  That’s pretty successful!

I’m looking forward to the new color announcements for 2020 so I can jump into cutting and sewing something new!  Thank you, Angela,  for all your years of hosting.  I do so enjoy this challenge for making use of my scraps and trying new patterns and techniques!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis
katie z.


The Joyful Quilter said...

What a year, Katie. SEW much accomplished!! Especially, when you consider all of the challenges you were dealt in 2019. Best of luck in meeting your goals for 2020!

Cathy said...

You’re always a busy bee! Good for you, using up (net) stash like that. My scraps have learned the trick of self-multiplication too. Maybe it’s all the trimmings I get from quilting and binding all those Quilts for Kids for our group. Have a Happy New Year, and we’ll see you (and all your cute projects) in 2020!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You do such a great job getting your projects finished up! Your 16 patch blocks in cool colors are so appealing - they make me want to go sew some up!

Kathy S. said...

LOVE those corn blocks. Happy new year. Hope to see several new projects from you in the RSC in 2020.

Deb A said...

I am always amazed at all you get accomplished with a busy household and lots of struggles this year. Hope 2020 is healthy and calm for you with lots of sewing.

scraphappy said...

I am so glad that you made progress this year on using your scraps. Not that using them all up would ever be possible, but it does feel good to keep pulling quilts out of the baskets of chaos. So many beautiful quilts this year and many more to come.

Kate said...

You did have a really good year on the finishing front and the stash management front. It's hard to use more than you buy. I did the same thing, ordered some large yardage pieces to use for backings. I'm going to try really hard to stick to a fabric diet this year.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...