Saturday, January 18, 2020

Chain, Chain, Chain...

Ah, it’s so nice when I actually accomplish goals!  This week, despite multiple hiccups (sick mama, sick baby, sick kids, insurance being broken, you know, the usual), I finished half my chain blocks for Garden Party!  My goal is to finish the other chain blocks today, as I’m only two seams away on each block.  Next week, we’ll see what I can do about the half blocks for the edges.

My current leader ender is assembling the remaining Garden Mosaic blocks into fours.  Once I have them all in fours, I’ll figure out whether I’m making a baby quilt or a teacher quilt.   Since I used all the light/medium blocks for a teacher quilt at Christmas, this once will be significantly darker.  I like it.  There are more than I expected, which is always a pleasant problem!

I intended to post earlier, but BJ was up half the night with congestion and discomfort, so I took a morning nap and then finished a puzzle with the Assistant first. It’s going to be a slow, but good, day.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S.  I hope to spend some time visiting the other Rainbow Scrap Challenge bloggers later!


Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Congrats on the chain blocks! And I completely love your Garden Mosaic quilt. I hope everyone is feeling better today.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Sometimes a slow day is just what everyone needs! I love your dark Garden Mosaic blocks - they make such a great design!

The Joyful Quilter said...

It sounds like you NEED a slow day after the week you've had, Katie! Nice job on getting those Chain blocks done in spite of your challenges.

Julie in GA said...

Enjoy your slower day! I love your Garden Mosaic blocks.

Kate said...

Hope you got in a slow relaxing Saturday with a good bit of stitching time. You've got a good start on both projects.

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