Saturday, January 11, 2020

Log Cabin Adjustments

It’s been a good but slow sewing week.

I am a little disappointed at how slow my sewing is going, but once I get into a groove, I think the pace will pick up.  I did shift from a log cabin block to courtyard steps.  It seemed to be a better fit for the scraps once I dug in.  Three of the four sets of green scraps are done.  Fortunately, other months will be easier as there aren’t so many sets of scraps in the other colors!

These are all scraps leftover from my Lepidoptera quilt, which was one of last year’s Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects.  The number of blocks will fluctuate based on the scraps I have.  And, yes, they are large.  I’m sewing them until the white section is 11”, and whatever height it is will be the finished height.

I am currently cutting down my plans for RSC2020 (or putting them on hold?).  There are just too many unfinished projects hanging out on my cutting table and in my sewing area, including the remaining Garden Mosaic blocks and 16 patches. So... we shall see what happens the rest of January.

I did make progress on the chain blocks for Garden Party.  Lots of cutting coming!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. Wondering what the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is?  Check it out here!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love court house steps

Julierose said...

Your courthouse steps piece looks lovely ;))) hugs, Julierose

Deb A said...

Such pretty blocks! The more seams the longer they take to sew. Well worth it though.

R's Rue said...


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It looks like the scraps you had from Lepidoptera are perfect for the Courthouse Steps blocks! It will be fun to see that one develop with more colors.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Nice start on your GREEN scraps, Katie!! Paring down your RSC project list is a good plan. I did the same thing this year. More may be BETTER, but less is BEST! :o))

Susie H said...

Great-looking courthouse steps blocks. Never hurts to step back for a bit and let the mojo re-percolate!

Kate said...

What a great project to use up all those leftovers. I'm with you trying to focus on moving projects along and not starting much new stuff. Though I've already been tempted to start a quilt along.

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