Monday, August 3, 2020

August Goals

For July, I hoped to...

1.  Manage my dark blue scraps.  I’ve trimmed, and now I’ll make courtyard steps blocks, Garden Party blocks, and some hand pieced hexies.  Done.

2.  Work on the temperature quilt.  I’m not sure if I’ll get one or two rows done (I think only one). One row.

3.  Get all the foxes into a flimsy.  Hey, I was an overachiever and finished the quilt!

4.  Work on Flying Stars.  It should be possible to get it to flimsy stage this month. It’s not quite a flimsy, but it will be there soon.  See #3.  Oh, yeah, and we decided to homeschool four kids this year, so I had other things taking my time!

5.  Repair Millie’s quilt.  Ooh, this is a story.  We decided to rip the top and backing apart.  This was quite a feat as I had “birthed” it, uneven edges and all.  I’ll be making a new backing, repairing the top, adding new batting, and machine quilting it into a new, fabulous beauty.  Eventually.

6.  Make Millie’s red skirt.  (Tee hee.  I finished this today.)  Done, of course.

7.  I had porch seat repair on my original list, but I think I’m going to pass.  It’s inconvenient and the frames are rusting through, so why bother?  After shopping for new chairs, I opted to repair the old ones for one more season.

In August, besides the major goal of not being hospitalized for Covid 19 or infecting anyone else with it, I have the following goals...

1.  Purple scraps.  Trim, courtyard steps, hand pieced hexies.  I will make some Garden Party blocks and Easy Breezy blocks, but neither quilt has purple, so they will not cooperate this month!

2.  Temperature quilt: 2 rows.

3.  Finish Flying Stars.  I need to finish and apply the borders, then make the backing and quilt.

4.  Make my teal mini for the teal mini swap, which raises money for ovarian cancer research.

5.  I may need a special purple quilt made in the next month.  We shall see.  I’ll have to see what I can manage.

6.  In the unlikely event of spare time, I’ll work in repairing my first quilt to get it back to my sister.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Mlada said...

I don't think the top needs much repair at all! I hope I didn't make too many rips around the edges. I did use the seam ripper and wore my glasses, so I tried to be careful.

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