Saturday, August 1, 2020

Crazy Times

Apparently, I only thought I was tired through the first five months of this pandemic.  This week, I didn’t make it to my sewing nook most days, as I was too busy.

There was the transforming of the dining room into our homeschool space.  The Assistant and I ventured out to purchase school supplies.  I sorted and planned and started school with two eager beavers.  The other two will start next week so we have plenty of time to take breaks before DH and the Assistant are in full high school mode.

I think I also canned tomatoes once, picked cucumbers a few times, and moved chickens daily in there.

Then we moved DH’s desk back to the basement, this time into our storage room.  He gave up his office one week pre-pandemic, for the big girls to have a room separate from their (difficult) little sister.  We had no idea he would spend nine weeks teaching from our bedroom, but now we know some variation of that is in our future, the bedroom and the office must part ways.  Lots of shifting and rearranging took place.  Up and down stairs, cleaning out little piles, and purging were required.

Big boy BJ turns one tomorrow (we’ll celebrate with his new fox quilt), and is falling off every table and high surface he can hike himself onto.  The benches and chairs for the tables are moved away everywhere to try to save him from himself.  He doesn’t want to be saved!

Friday, we worked outside.  I made yogurt (the milk was going to expire soon!) and granola to eat with the yogurt.  Then, DH removed full frames from the bee hives, and I spent many hours extracting honey (I have only extracted honey once before, so I had trouble finding a rhythm).  We ended with roughly 29 cups of liquid gold, with another one or two still dripping from the last of the comb.

I also finished the fox quilt (blogged here), sewed together half of Flying Stars, finished hand piecing one flower, and trimmed all my scraps.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Sarah in NF CT said...

My daughter call the stage Big Boy is in the making poor decisions phase. They know what they can do, just don't understand the repurcussions of it all.

Sherrie said...

Sounds like you have been busy...took a peak at your
fox cute. Have a great day!

Deb A said...

I need to take a nap after reading about your week! My goodness but you are busy. I remember those climb on and get into everything exploring phase... and that is a full time job in itself. The honey sounds heavenly. Hope you are able to at least pet a little fabric this week.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

What a week! Crazy times indeed. Congrats on your canning, I'm trying to get some more done this week. When our little kids were climbers, I often wanted to stick a football helmet on them. And maybe some knee pads. Good luck!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Nice finish to July and jumping into PURPLE month with Flying Stars, aren't you?! Hoping the reorganization has everyone ready for school. Happy birthday, BJ and enjoy that Fox quilt!!!

Jenny said...

You always have such a busy life! Interesting to read about your honey harvest, how delicious.

grammajudyb said...

So many changes to contend with! Hopefully all will work out! I absolutely love B’s fox quilt! My neighbor was picking chokecherries and my SIL sent pictures of her Montana Huckleberry harvest! I can tell you, I’m a teeny bit jealous of the jelly they will have. 20 jars of honey must be heaven!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your house is a busy place! I'm so impressed by your honey, your homeschooling plans, and all those amazing flying geese! I scrolled down to see the fox quilt and it's wonderful, too. Love that you put a different color fox for each family member! Happy Birthday to BJ!

Kate said...

Oh wow, what a busy week. Happy birthday to BJ! Good luck with all the home schooling this year. It's going to be a difficult year for many. Our company just released a policy allowing us to be flexible with parents who are dealing with virtual learning and school closures due to the virus. It's going to be an interesting year. Hopefully by next fall things will be much closer to normal.

maggie fellow said...

I'm tired just reading about your week - great work, though

Susie H said...

Looks like you've got a couple of Easy Breezy blocks going too. I'd love to have honey bees but I hear it's not easy to get the honey. A guild member said they use centrifugal force. Guess they have a machine? Have a great week ... try to sit still & sew a little this week, OK?

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...