Saturday, August 21, 2021

Back On Track


I do know my colors after all!  I cut and sewed one lovely farm quilt block.  I actually do have a turquoise hand mixer, so this is pretty accurate.  I’m not worrying about any of the embroidery right now, as I don’t know what I want to do for colors and thread just yet.

I also made an appropriately colored Modern Vintage block (along with a few friends).  I sorted my blocks last week and chose fabrics for the remaining blocks.  Next month, I’ll suddenly have all the blocks for a quilt!

Most of my sewing this week focused on BJ’s quilt.  I did some easy straight line quilting, but it was time consuming, with lots of starts and stops.  I’ll have the binding finished by tonight hopefully.  Oh, yes, and another round of masks (let’s not spend any time considering the horror that it school this year).

Next week, the goal is more farm blocks.

On the sick baby front, we have what I’ll call a working diagnosis.  The pediatric infectious disease doctor was quick to call it PFAPA, an auto inflammatory syndrome.  I agree that he has an auto inflammatory process occurring, but I suspect it may be a different one.  This gets us started, and the treatment may or may not work regardless of which syndrome it is.  We’ll see the doctor again in a few months and reevaluate.  I am looking forward to having a new tool in my arsenal to keep BJ more comfortable next flare.

It’s blue-green month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis, katie z.


Quilter Kathy said...

Lovely teals and such a fun mixer block!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The mixer is adorable! I really like those modern vintage blocks, too - they'll be pretty in all the colors. Sending good wishes for success treating BJs disease!

Maggie said...

Love the mixer, my daughter in law has one that is a bright aqua. Good luck for little B, home he is on the mend and blossom soon.

Deb A said...

Love the aqua mixer! Hope BJ is feeling better and Mom is able to get some rest in these crazy times.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Super cute TURQUOISE mixer, Katie!! I'm glad to hear that you've got some new tools to help BJ feel better the next time he's unwell. Nothing worse than a sick child!

End of Year…

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