Saturday, September 4, 2021

Rainy Day

 I’m moving slow this morning.  We’re having a good, soaking rain for the first time in months, so I’m enjoying the view, cooler temperatures, and cloudy lighting.  This week was long and chaotic.  Miss G turned up sick after school Monday, so there was a scramble of COVID testing and the younger kids home from school on Tuesday while we waited her test results (negative!).  Then, Thursday night JoJo started cold symptoms, so he stayed home Friday (he has trouble “managing his nose”).  Today, since he now has a cough, DH took him for a COVID test.  It makes me wonder how many tests we will have as a family before the school year is over.  Navigating this for nine people (4 vaccinated, 5 too young but in a vaccine study) across two schools is complicated, to say the least.

I whipped out my final Modern Vintage blocks and played with layouts.  I really did try to scramble them. I just don’t like scrambled rainbows.  When I didn’t want to cut fabric or make color decisions on my farm blocks, I sewed together the entire flimsy.  I dyed the backing earlier this summer, so I’m ready to baste this lovely flimsy next week!

My first farm block is cut, so it will show up next week.  I’ve been basting my orange hexagons while in the interminable car line each afternoon (after a year off from such obligations, I don’t have much tolerance for nonsense).

That’s it!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Marly said...

I like your modern vintage quilt. I can't mix up a rainbow either; the blocks always seem to gravitate to rainbow order!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your Modern Vintage rainbow is so pretty! I love that layout. Best thoughts for your sick kiddos. I can't believe families, kids, and teachers have to navigate Covid for yet another year.

Sara said...

Sometimes a rainbow just needs to stay in line. It looks lovely.

scraphappy said...

I've had 4 negative tests so far this year and am off for the next in about half an hour. So much to handle when we all thought things would be back to normal at last. Glad everyone has been negative so far. Such a hassle to keep going though it! The rainbows are beautiful. I too don't like to scramble them, so I love what you decided on the layout.

Mari said...

I love the modern vintage quilt! Scrambled or not, rainbows are great. I'm glad everyone has been negative so far. I had to have a test this week, too, and yay! Just a sinus infection. Who ever thought we'd be applauding for those?

Chantal said...

Congratulations on this adorable rainbow top. I'm in love with this one.
9 people! Gosh! We are only 5 and it's hard to manage. Kudos to you girl. Hope you all stay negative. (Never thought I would say that to anyone, 2 years ago. haha) ;^)

maggie fellow said...

I know those blocks as wedding ring or crown of thorns. And I love making them. Yours are really pretty, especially together

Ivani said...

What a lovely rainbow quilt top, Katie.
Hope you all stay safe and healthy.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on getting your gorgeous Modern Vintage quilt top pieced together, Katie!!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Beautiful rainbow top, congratulations! And congrats on everybody at your house being negative for COVID. I know what you mean about the interminable car line. There has got to be a better way to pick up kids!

Vicki W said...

I love your Modern Vintage quilt layout! I don't think it would look as good in a random layout. The rainbow diagonal is so much more impactful. But that's just my opinion!

Deb A said...

Love your layout and hope you are able to get it basted. I have 2 home today coughing and blowing.... I have not even thought of testing them. Sigh...

End of Year…

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