Saturday, January 21, 2023

Day Dream

 Our last few experiences with the stomach bug have been odd.  We went almost an entire week from the onset of the first case to the second one.  I’m hopeful the rest of the kids will avoid it, and I’m grateful I’ve avoided it so far, as I had dental work done Friday and didn’t have to reschedule!

In quilting news (which is by far more cheerful), I have all my four patches sewn into eight patches and pinned to make 16 patches!  It’s all ways interesting to try to keep the same fabric from repeating, and somehow it always does anyway.  I remind myself that random does not mean no repetition.

I cut another stack of blue box blocks this week, and even now the blue stack has plenty more to contribute.  So far there are 35 assembled.  If life cooperates, I’ll cut one more large pile before the end of the month.

In bojagi news, I finished the purple jogakbo curtain for Spunky, and we’re both quite happy with the results.  Each panel is quite different from the others.  I’m currently sewing together any random bits from my previous Bojagi projects.  I have no plans for its final destination, but it will hold lots of wishes for happiness by the time it’s complete.

It’s another good year for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  Last year I’m pretty sure I added more to my scrap boxes than I used.


scraphappy said...

Best of luck on avoiding the stomach bug. It sounds like you will have plenty of scraps to play with this year.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I really like your box blocks, Katie! They look like they'll be fun in every color!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

I can so relate to your randomness issue. It's inevitable that same fabrics will align just as they diverge. I try to think that sort of variety is one more design element that goes with being scrappy. I'm impressed by the sheer volume of your blocks.

Kate said...

Those curtains are so fun and colorful! You've got a good start on your blue squares. Fingers crossed no one else gets sick and you can finish the school year with no major bouts of illness.

Vicki W said...

The panels are perfect on the bunk bed. I know she must be thrilled!
Glad you were able to avoid the stomach bug.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...