Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Rainbow Scrap Challenge

This year, at least for a while, I'm going to join the Rainbow Scrap Challenge hosted by Soscrappy.  The first color was chosen was pink, and all I could think was WHY?  Pink is my daughters' favorite colors and one of my least favorite.  Ah, well.  Let's get it over with.

First, I had to sort through my scrap bags and pull out any pinks.  Then, the Assistant helped me sort them by length.
 And I began to sort the itty bitty bits.

Trimming commenced, and a rough plan of what to do.  We are expecting another new niece (once again, my baby is the only boy in a trio of babies) in March, and she needs a blanket!  This scrappy pink blanket should be the ticket.

Essentially, I'm attempting to piece my scraps into 4.5" squares, which will alternate with 4.5" solid pink squares to give the eye a place to rest.

Sewing the bits is addicting and obsessive.   I'm enjoying it so far!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

scraphappy said...

Sewing all the little bits together can be addictive. Glad you were able to turn all the little bits into something nice.

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