Saturday, January 5, 2013

RSC: In the Pink

From the sorting stage (see here), to the block stage,

this baby quilt is moving along.  DH thinks it will look better when it's ironed.  I think it will look better  when it's in one piece.  Either way, I'm happy with it sofa, although I keep tweaking block placement while I work on my Easy Street blocks.

The backing is going to be a lovely pink and purple batik.  I'm looking forward to quilting!

There are still scraps left!  There is still plenty of month left, too!

Check out what other quilters are making with their pink scraps at SoScrappy's place.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Vicki W said...

No baby yet?

Sheila said...

Love your scrappy pink blocks! I bet this quilt with be your new nieces's favorite bed and nap companion.
BTW. The Assistant did a most excellent job sorting.

scraphappy said...

It turned out fabulous. You do work fast. Only 5 days of the month gone and you have already whipped up a quilt top. Congratulations on using up so many scraps.

Lori in South Dakota said...

You did wonders with the pink. Its going to be a very nice baby quilt. Its an especially "cuddly" looking quilt--the kind where you just want to cuddle the baby wrapped in it.

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

This is going to look great! My favorite quilt patterns are these scrappy, ones and I love the various colors of pinks.

Jeanne said...

Thanks for visiting Spiral :) I like your pink scrappy project -- are you having a girl? I'm curious about your homestead: what part of the country are you in?

Vroomans' Quilts said...

A very cute baby quilt - wow, you went to town very quickly with your scraps.

Kate said...

Very cute. You do work fast!

Angie said...

Looks cuddly already!

Quilter Kathy said...

Love this scrappy pink quilt!

Cathy Tomm said...

Great blocks, what a nice baby quilt it will make. Yes it will look better sewn together.

Podunk Pretties said...

My goodness you work fast! Love the pattern!

Ellen said...

Very nice - so pretty in pink. Once a top is sewn together and then quilted a magical transformation takes place and you end up with a gorgeous quilt!

Ellen said...

Very nice - so pretty in pink. Once a top is sewn together and then quilted a magical transformation takes place and you end up with a gorgeous quilt!

Elly D said...

My but you work fast! Love all the pink going on there.

Candace said...

What a lovely baby quilt. Can't wait to see it finished.

Deb A said...

What a pretty scrappy pink quilt. Looks like it will be a great snuggly one for a little girl.

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