Friday, January 15, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Rainbow Road

My first scrappy goal this week was to finished Rainbow Road, my donation quilt for the mom's group.  At about 50", quilted in simple diagonals and bound in the same light green as the center and corner squares, I'm pleased with the result.  I apologize for the blurry picture, but someone found my camera today before I did!
 Miss G had to help with a picture of the backing.  I chose four of the fabrics from the front and made an off-center four-patch.  She was pretty proud to have snagged the iPad (it's a good thing it's password protected!).
 After that quilt was finished and delivered, I began to assemble my puzzle quilt.  This forced a decision on the borders, and the decision was no border.  I won't be happy with any of the color choices (white for a quilt for a special needs child seems like added unnecessary stress, black seems awfully dark, and no other color suits), so borderless we go.  I haven't laid out the entire quilt, as Miss G wants to snag the lower pieces, so once I sew up all these blocks (there's a row missing in the photo), I'll lay out the last four rows.
 I like how it's coming together and do not want to think about backing or quilting right now.  My stash is dwindling to smaller pieces, so the struggle to find backing is real.  I think I'll look ahead to some of my hoped-for finishes of the year and order a number of backings at once.  The leftovers can always be cut into scraps!

I hope your new year is full of stitches and all other good things!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Kate said...

Rainbow Road turned out beautifully. Miss G has certainly grown! Good luck getting the Puzzle quilt are set together. Hope Miss G doesn't manage to make off with any blocks.

PeggyinNO said...

What a great start for the new year! Love the bright colors in both quilts. And it warms my heart to see a baby on a quilt. Such a cutie!

Mari said...

The rainbow quilt turned out beautifully! And I love the puzzle quilt! Sometimes borderless is best. It looks great!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats! on your newly completed quilt and the progress that you've made on the Puzzle quilt. Looking forward to seeing what comes next!

Deb A said...

Great progress on the puzzle quilt and congrats on the finish. Mine love the iPad.... and since they now bring them into their rooms DH is talking about adding a firewall to them. They'll figure out they can get on the internet soon and not just watch their shows on netflix or play ABCYA. She is adorable. I'd be too busy snuggling her to sew =)

gayle said...

Yay for the finish - it's beautiful!
And that puzzle quilt makes me smile!

Jennifer said...

your rainbow quilt is graet- even more so if it's all from scraps! I like the puzzle quilt, too. definitely on the bucket list for me...

Quiltdivajulie said...

That puzzle quilt is very striking and a lot of fun!

scraphappy said...

Great progress on the puzzle pieces. Struggling to find fabric big enough for backing is always a good sign. It not only means you have managed to use what you have, but also that you can keep your eyes open for great sales.

Jennie in GA said...

Nice job on Rainbow Road. You have been busy!

Chantal said...

I fell right into your Rainbow Road quilt, down to the little white dot in the middle. It is so vibrant and attractive. Love it. Congrats on the finish. Miss G looks quite comfy on it. Charming little one. ;^)

Ellen said...

Wonderful finish! Your puzzle quilt is coming along very nicely.

Julierose said...

Lovely finish--I haven't finished ANYTHING in so long--tomorrow starting to machine quilt seam lines on Steven's quilt--FINALLY!! Am heartily sick of ORANGE!! Ya think?? hugs, Julierose

make.share.give said...

Your puzzle quilt is coming along nicely!

Sheila said...

Congratulations on a beautiful finish. The puzzle quilt doesn't need a border : )

End of Year…

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