Monday, January 4, 2016

January Goals

In December, I wanted to...

1. Keep on the scrap management train.  I already trimmed the bucket down for the month, and I would like to finish the 16-patch quilt by the end of the month. 
The 16-patch quilt is done, the scraps were all trimmed down, and I made a few more Bits and Bobs.
2. Finish the Assistant's quilt.  (A bit of a cheater goal now, since it's already done!)

3.  Baste the hexi quilt.  This would require that I finish piecing the backing.
Basted.  Quilting begun.
4.  Sew a T-shirt quilt for a friend.
5.  Finish my sister's T-shirt quilt.  I currently have the top pieced and am the process of piecing the back.
6.  Spunky has been wanting a project of her own.  I cut a layer cake into charm squares, and we're piecing 4-patches together.  Given all the "big" sewing to do in the above goals, I only desire progress.
Quilted and finished January 1.
7.  A friend asked for some jumpers and skirt for dolls.  If she brings the material in time, I'll get on this.

For January, I'd like to...
1.  Mending.  Oh, mending.  Oh, mending.

2.  A donation quilt needs to be completed.

3.  Quilt ten hexies on my quilt.

4.  Finish Spunky's quilt.  (Already done January 1).

5. Empty a tub of craft stuff.  (Done yesterday).

6.  Scraps: trim, Bits and Bobs, applique, and start the puzzle quilt.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z. 

1 comment:

Kate said...

You had a good December and January looks to be a fairly easy month. Good luck.

End of Year…

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