Saturday, January 23, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: True Blue

I've three projects this week.  Firstly, my puzzle quilt is a flimsy!  I purchased backing yesterday, as I had nothing that was large enough (the struggle is real, my friends), and since it's a donation, I don't want to cobble something halfway decent together.  Instead, after a sale, a coupon, and a gift card, I spent only $9.60 on five yards of fabric.  The leftovers will be added to my stash.  I know I'll do a bit of straight line quilting, but how do I fill the puzzle pieces?  Oh, the agony of planning!

Secondly, I began a new quilt for a friend who's expecting in May.  I spent the week cutting triangles while the kids did homework.  I used the Sidekick ruler and found it was not particularly left-handed friendly.  Isn't that the way of the world?  Since the husband is navy, I've chosen dark blues, golds, and creams for the quilt.  My plan is to make a dark blue border all the way around.  Now I need to figure out how many triangles will make the quilt wide enough.

Finally, my Bits and Bobs somehow finished themselves Friday afternoon.  Miss G took an unexpected nap, the puzzle quilt was pieced, and JoJo was busy with his trains, so now I have 14 more blocks finished.  I'm hoping to finished the nine-patches for a few more in the coming week, so maybe a few more will get finished next week.

I have mixed feelings about working on only one (or two!) quilts a month as opposed to blocks for many.  On the one hand, I'm most likely going to finish the puzzle quilt ere the end of the month, which  is quite exciting.  Every week I'm amazed at how quickly the quilt comes together when I don't sew anything else (but my leaders and enders!)  On the other hand, I don't get the satisfaction of finished bits of several projects.  I think it's simply an adjustment I need to make, and I'll get there.

Be sure to check out other blue projects this week!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Ellen said...

Congratulations on getting to the flimsy stage - great buy on the backing fabric!

Linda M @ Pieceful Kingdom said...

Congratulations on the finishes! I usually have several (or more) projects going at once, but it is nice to concentrate on one and get it done. Love the puzzle quilt!

gayle said...

Hurray! I love that puzzle quilt! And I'm always smitten with your little bits and bobs. 8)
I keep several projects going. If I try to limit myself to working on one, I start inventing excuses to procrastinate and end up not working on it at all...

Jennifer said...

the puzzle quilt is great- and good job on the steady progress! (and the disciplne of only working on a couple projects!)

scraphappy said...

Finishing quilts is exciting. It does take a bit more focus though to set everything else aside for a while. Like everything else, it is a balancing act. Love the puzzle quilt. SO much fun!

Kate said...

The Puzzle quilt looks great. It's such a fun pattern. You did get a lot done this week. It does come down to doing what you can when you can doesn't it? I try to keep it to no more than four projects a month. One is my priority project, so I work hardest on it. One is leaders and enders, so that one just goes. The other two I chain piece in when I can. At least doing it this way, one gets moved along and three other proceed more than they would if I was doing nothing. Good luck with your new strategy.

Angie said...

The puzzle quilt is a winner!

Quilter Kathy said...

Those double 9 patch block look familiar! I'm sewing the same thing!

Cathy said...

Congrats on you puzzle flimsy- it is such a HAPPY quilt top! And I love your double 9-patches. You seem to have a lot going on that's so interesting!

Julierose said...

Puzzle is really neat--love it!! and your bits and bobs is spectacular! {of course I love blue and white} Funny--I am your opposite it seems: if I have more than one or maybe two ongoing projects I get all stressed with all those parts here and there--[my "drawer of shame" is full of them and I try to ignore them]. One at a time is my new motto and no more leader-enders--they make all those parts....;--000
anyway, I like how you've planned that new quilt in blues and golds--that will be striking...hugs from snow-ey CT Julierose

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sweet deal on the backing for your Puzzle Quilt!! I hear you on the adjustment from last year's block making frenzy. I feel it, too. It certainly is nice to be making greater strides on fewer quilts, though. We MUST stay focused!!

Sally Trude said...

Your puzzle quilt is wonderful and, of course, I love your bits and bobs.

Cathy said...

Great buy on the backing. That's the way I like to buy too. I get the added benefit of senior discount at some stores. Puzzle is looking great. I guess you are no longer puzzled about what to do for a border!

I always love the little bits and bobs.

I always have LOTS of UFOs and I kind of like it that way.

Chantal said...

Bits and Bobs is coming along great. Congrats on getting to puzzle quilt all together. You've accomplished more than I and I don't have young children anymore. Wow! Great job!

PeggyinNO said...

Such a bright and beautiful puzzle quilt! It's sure to make someone very happy to receive it!
I know what you mean about being left handed! We are left out there to our own devices sometimes! It's definitely a "right handed" world!!

LA Paylor said...

congrats on getting it together! Bright and cheerful!


Deb A said...

I too am struggling with that dilemma this year of trying to finish off some things. While it feels great to get a finish... I fear I miss just making blocks (might be the reason I have so many UFO's?). Glad the kids let you have some sewing time this week. Always feels nice when they allow that.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...