Saturday, December 19, 2009

Stash Report Week #51

What a week! Our neighbors' house burned Monday and I think that made the week twice as long. Thank God they all made it out safely!

This week, I finished Q's quilt as well as a few Christmas presents. You can see some hats, a scarf, and a door draft stopper on top of Q's quilt. I made another two door draft stoppers, two fleece scarves, and worked on ripping out all the meandering I had done on the patriotic quilt. I just don't do meandering on my machine, apparently, but I didn't decide it was TOO bad until I had done TOO much. I will stick to straight-line machine quilting for a while longer.

The turquoise quilt is now a top awaiting pinning. Woohoo! It will be handquilted as it is for my DYoungerSister, and I want it to be lovely. First, though, I need to finish the Unbaby Quilt for my older DSister.

The pink fleece pictures above as hats has to be accounted for as I failed to count it in when it arrived after Thanksgiving (it was my ONLINE Black Friday shopping). Therefore...

IN this week: 2 yards
IN YTD: 176 1/4 yards

OUT this week: 10 yards
OUT YTD: 243 3/4 yards

YTD Total: 66 1/2 yards OUT!

I have surpassed my goal by 16 1/2 yards. This will be a quiet week as we leave for Christmas holiday traveling on Tuesday and I don't want to take quilting with me. I'll take some crocheting instead, and maybe some knitting. I am not a great knitter but would like to improve!

Next week, I'll work on the Unbaby Quilt, maybe pin the turquoise top, and hopefully rip the last of the quilting from the RWB quilt. Other than that, it's time to get Christmas letters out and pack!

Check out all the other stash reports at Judy's place.

Have a blessed Christmas even if you don't celebrate Christian holidays - have a blessed day!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful quilt -- love that blue! I like the little hats and things, too. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and be safe on your journey! :) Dianne B. in England

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Sorry to hear about your neighbor.

Congrats on the net usage! You did a great job. What are your goals for next year?!!?

Tamera said...

How wonderful to reach--and surpass--your goal!

SpinningStar said...

Congrats on passing the goal... have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!


Lori in South Dakota said...

Have a great time traveling, and avoid all those unfamiliar fabric stores. Nah--go ahead--have a great time!!

PS--the blue is wonderful!! Very lucky lady!

bingo~bonnie said...

I did miss this -thanks for sharing the link to it with me! ;) Those minis turned out "Blue-ta-ful!" I really like how you arranged them so the light ones were towards the middle and got darker as the eye went out. ;)

Mind if I link to you one of these days over on my blog - when I begin working on my minis. I always wonder what the swap blocks will grow up to be while they are all spread out on my dining room table. :)

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

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