Sunday, January 30, 2011

To Sum Up My Life in One Sentence...

I must have prayed for patience, or humility, or some other virtue and God is providing me with AMPLE opportunity to grow in virtue.

Thank you for all the well-wishes.  There is no obvious fracture, but the radiologist will take a second look Monday, and in a week or two, if it still feels "odd," I'll go back and have another round of X-rays.  How did I do it?  This is a long story.  Almost two weeks ago (I think), I rose as usual in the middle of the night to feed Bear Cub Q.  On the way down the stairs, I missed the last step and crashed onto the floor, pulling a ligament on the outside of my leg, sending numbness alternating with fire up my leg.  I have had trouble with my ligaments around my knees since my first was born, so the numbness/fire sensations were nothing new, and since last time the doctor said they couldn't do anything, I opted not to go to minor emergency or anything for this pain.

It was feeling better.  Then, on Saturday, while running errands to be out of the house for a showing, we went for a walk/hike with friends on an uneven, muddy path.  I don't remember twisting my ankle, but when we stopped to let the kids run around, I felt some pain.  "Oops," thought I, "I must have turned my ankle."  Walking back to their house wasn't too painful, but by the time we had sat on the porch for a while, I had to take off my shoe because the pain was pretty awful (I have since been informed by DH that I should have left my shoe on - but I didn't know I had done anything).  We came home, and the pain was so bad walking from the car to the couch that I nearly passed out - it was worse than contractions because it NEVER STOPPED HURTING.  Needless to say, after seeing my convulsive shivering and biting my finger to help with the pain, DH decided I needed medical attention.  They took X-rays, but even if I had a fracture, it won't show up for two weeks, and sent me home with a few ace bandages.  After a restless night (for me, but Bear Cub Q only woke up twice  - a record!), I am able to walk on it again, although wrapping it feels better than letting it hang out.  Rest is on the menu for this week.

We are recovered from the stomach bug, but my parents came down with it Saturday, so my mom couldn't help me.  My lovely sis in Colorado offered to fly out with her baby (thanks again for the offer - I love you!), and my lovely sis in town helped with my kids while DH and I were at the doctor.  My SiL was down with the stomach bug too. WOW! What a day (and no word yet on the house showing).

The Assistant also peeled wallpaper irreparably in our bathroom, so we've been peeling and steaming on top of all our other busy-ness, so here we are! (And yes, I have my foot up as I type.  No, I'm not peeling wall paper for a while).  A previous wall-paper-peeling excursion in this bathroom (by a previous owner) has left us with some spackle dust and damage to deal with.

Cookie dough, homemade juice, and fruit leather in the works - pre-foot!

Lunch was a little late Sunday - 2 pm, but it's a yummy German pancake just like I had when I was little.
I eagerly anticipate Judy's announcement of the next UFO number and color for the monochromatic quilt challenge.  I find myself running through the list in my mind - which one will I work on next? will it be a finish, or just progress? what color will I try out next?

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Living the Lewis Lifestyle said...

I feel for you on the ankle! I broke my foot several years back and was in a cast and crutches for 2 months. But I didn't have 3 kiddos though! I hope fracture or not you heal fast, nothing is worse than being unable to live life as usual...I myself am just now able to completely return to normal tasks since LEL was born. Hang in there with all this craziness! We love you!

Laurie said...

A broken bone is not any fun. It will probably give you loads of sympathy for others with broken bones though. ;P I had a small break in my foot while I was pregnant (15 years ago) and it took forever to heal since the baby was taking all my calcium.
Good luck

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...