Thursday, August 1, 2019

August Goals

In July, I wanted to...
1.  For my “12 Things” project, I have an orange boot stocking to make for Christmas.  Done!

2.  Since that shouldn’t take too long, I’d like to start on an Irish chain quilt of hand dyed fabric.  I’ve made the easy blocks and cut and sub cut all the strip sets for the second block.

3.  Finish the 9 patches and stars quilt.  It’s time to be done.  Done!

4.  Scraps:  I think we’re on purple.  I want to trim and make the usual blocks: Great Granny Squared, Garden Mosaic, Lepidoptera, and Tiny Tuesday.  I also want to finish up another round of purple 16-patches.  Oops, not purple but pink.  It’s all good.  I finished the blocks I needed.

In August, I’d like to do a lot of things, but baby BJ was born August 2, so I’m sure some of these goals are wishful thinking.  I’m going to write them down anyhow, just so I see what I can do when I get a chance.

1.  For my “12 Things” project, the goal would be to finish the quilt.  However, there’s no way.  I’d like to get as many of the 72 blocks made of strip sets made as possible.

2.  For my light blue scraps, I’m going to trim up the scrap bucket, make Great Granny Squared blocks, garden Mosaic blocks, aim for 2 Lepidoptera blocks, 5 Tiny
 Tuesday blocks, and make some more 16 patches as leaders and enders.  I think I’ll let the Lepidoptera blocks slip first, as I don’t have any more blue fabric and they are more time consuming than other blocks.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Congrats on a very productive July. Hope you and the baby are doing well. With a new baby, what gets done gets done. Hope you are able to get in a bit of stitching time here and there.

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