Saturday, August 17, 2019

I Sewed!

What a week, what a week, what a week...

I had the very unpleasant experience of visiting two different ERs in two days for two different postpartum complications.  Now I’m wrapping up antibiotics for mastitis and resting.  I am so grateful that I’m finally feeling better and, with the kids back at school, I’ve actually been able to make it to the basement and sew here and there.

All my Garden Mosaic blocks are cut.  In the confusion of running a fever, I cut too many squares, but they can always be used later.  At least I can sew the triangles at will and as time allows.

My first Great Granny Squared Block is almost finished.  That may not seem like much, but at least it’s progress.  The rest of this year is going to find a much slower sewing pace, so I’ll take what progress I have.

There is one Tiny Tuesday block waiting for its frame.  I’ll wait until I finish more blocks to decide how it will lay.  For now, I’m just sewing the easy parts!

Finally, pinning strips of Irish chain blocks has been the name of the game.  It’s going to take hundreds (thousands?) of pins to finish the blocks, but as it’s something I can do with my feet up, I don’t mind.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. As always on a Saturday, check out the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it sounds like you have been having a hard couple weeks after having baby - that can be rough - it has been a very long time for me since I had my girls (now 44 & 46) but I remember how rough it is - the first one we moved from California to an Idaho military training station when my first baby was one week old -- had to hubby was transferred - talk about rough - the second one hubby had to leave when she was 11 days old on the submarine and I was left alone for 3 months! I'm so glad to see you enjoying your fabric though and doing things I am amazed at times when women have a baby and seem to think they can not do anything else for several years as they say the baby takes all their time -- but I'm old school I guess my mom had 12 babies and as 3rd eldest I helped a lot!!
You well get through this I'm sure just take a rest when you can

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Hooray for some sewing time! Those great granny blocks are some of favorites. Hope you're feeling better each day, Katie!

Julierose said...

Happy that you are able to sew--sorry to hear of your post partum problems--so difficult at what should be really just a time of elation and happiness...hope you get well soon.
Hugs Julierose

The Joyful Quilter said...

Oh, goodness, Katie!! MORE trying times? Take care and sew when you are feeling better.

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better - and finally able to sew something - even if it's just a little. Slowing your pace and resting a lot sounds like a good plan - ;))

Deb A said...

Oh my goodness! I went back and caught up.... Congrats on the new baby! Beautiful family you have.
So sorry for all the health issues. I hope you are on the road to recovery and feeling better quickly.

Vicki W said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better!

Susie H said...

I had to look up mastitis ... sounds very painful but glad it sounds like antibiotics will do the trick. Your sewing looks good, the granny square block is really pretty and the TT flower is adorable. Make sure that, when you feel better, to rest for an additional couple of days so you don't relapse! We want you better 100%!

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