Saturday, April 4, 2020

Going Nowhere...

Where did the week go?  I think it was sucked up in the “Continuing Education” (or whatever it’s called...) of finding a way to get five kids online and watching/doing the right things at the right times.  I really need a check list for each kid for the week.  The teachers did an amazing job putting together a reasonable amount of work.  The kids worked hard, but the juggling and organizing just made each day long.  We made it!

So, I didn’t really sew much with blue scraps.  I made 10 masks, but most are in the mail for family.  It feels like the directions on best practice change everyday, so I feel a little anxious that I’m not doing any good with my sewing, but since I really intend mine to be worn over N95 or for general protection, I guess I need to just keep sewing.

I made a few Garden Party posies in between masks.  I’ve cut the first fox blocks, and I think those are going to be a pleasant change of pace.  BJ won’t care what they look like!  Speaking of BJ, he’s a crawling and pulling up to standing little tank.  He loves everyone being home all the time.

I have dinner to make and maybe I can a little more sewing in tonight!  (P.S. Check out the sewers who are better time managers than I!)

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Katie, I can only imagine what it must be like to manage everyone's school from home! I'm sure you're doing an amazing job. Isn't little BJ a cutie! Are you making him a fox quilt?

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I can't begin to imagine what it is like to be trying to do home school for 5 kids right now - it is challenging I bet and you can do it! That little one is so cute. I'm doing masks again this week for family - take care.

The Joyful Quilter said...

OMG, Katie!! I can't believe BJ is already crawling and pulling up to standing. My, how the many months have gone by. Regarding ANYONE being a better manager than you, I think NOT!!! You simply have more to manage than most of us. Nice job on getting some sewing done in Light/Bright BLUE for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, in addition to everything else!

Susie H said...

Love both the Garden Party and Fox blocks! And that little cutie is adorable and growing like a weed! My grandson is doing the same thing, pulling himself to get a better look at the world! I think all the parents of school age children are feeling the crunch trying to get their kids online & doing schoolwork all the while trying to do their jobs online. Hopefully you'll be able to get a bit of sewing in this upcoming week. Brings us peace.

Julierose said...

Are you kidding? Why getting everyone online time to do their assignments alone is a full day's work....;0000 Good for you. I hope you will be able to find a few free moments to relax and sew a bit...stay safe ~ ~ ~ waving from Julierose ;)))
P.S. I love that Fox block--nice work

Kate said...

I admire any parent who can get their kiddos through a day of on line classes and school work. That alone is a full time job! It's amazing you have any energy left for stitching. Hope it gets easier as you go along.

End of Year…

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