Thursday, April 2, 2020

March Block Count

We are living in interesting times.

I am grateful my children are home with me and safe.  I am grateful my husband has job stability and can work from home and not go out facing illness.  I also need to find a way to get some space to sew.  We stay quite busy!

4 Courtyard Step blocks
19 Garden Party blocks
48 Temperature Quilt blocks
... That makes my March total to be 71 blocks.  The total for 2020 is now 252 blocks.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad you are all safe at home - my daughter lives down the road from me and she is still going to work she is a county employee and is the children's librarian at the county library - they are in the building doing things but no patrons inside - it is small about 10 inside and they keep to their space but how save is that really we do not know.

Kate said...

We don't have quite such a crew all at home at once. But we are thankful for alot of the same things. Hope you can work in a bit of sanity time to add to the block count this month.

End of Year…

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