Thursday, July 2, 2020

July Goals

In June, I hoped to...
1.  Keep up the hand stitching.  I am FINISHING my Irish Chain this month!  Done!  Woohoo!

2.  Scraps in pink: trim, courtyard steps, and Garden Party posies (in red?  There’s no pink in that quilt).  Done.

3.  Temperature quilt: one more row.  Done.

4.  Fox quilt: more blocks!  All the blocks are done.

5.  Quilt and finish the 16-patch quilt as well as a “mini” 16-patch (baby sized).  Both are done and I am very pleased.

6.  Finish the bee quilt.  Spunky really liked the end results.

7.  32 masks.  Our state just made masks mandatory.  I’ve made 98 masks, and I’m taking a break for any more.

8.  Weighted blanks or other things on my “non-quilting” tasks.  I made the weighted blankets.  My non-quilting to do list is getting shorter.

For July, I would like to...

1.  Manage my dark blue scraps.  I’ve trimmed, and now I’ll make courtyard steps blocks, Garden Party blocks, and some hand pieced hexies.  

2.  Work on the temperature quilt.  I’m not sure if I’ll get one or two rows done (I think only one).

3.  Get all the foxes into a flimsy.

4.  Work on Flying Stars.  It should be possible to get it to flimsy stage this month.

5.  Repair Millie’s quilt.

6.  Make Millie’s red skirt.  (Tee hee.  I finished this today.)

7.  I had porch seat repair on my original list, but I think I’m going to pass.  It’s inconvenient and the frames are rusting through, so why bother?

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

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