Saturday, June 19, 2021

Busy Morning

The pineapple quilt is growing on me.  It’s not that I didn’t like it before… I didn’t enjoy the process of cutting and assembling the blocks.  The entire flimsy is basted, I quilted straight lines in the sashing, and now it’s time to meander all the rest.  I’m pleasantly surprised at how flat it is.
I’m confident there are more purple farm blocks for the week, but they aren’t pressed and I have a zoom meeting to attend in 24 minutes, so you’ll have to see those next week.  The top block is called egg basket, and since Spunky is the chicken lady, the basket needed to be purple.  The touch of red is reminiscent of the original egg basket I purchased (the welds failed, so we only use it when someone has misplaced our preferred basket).  The other block Lori Holt called Haystack Block; we have hay aplenty, so a necessary.

 I need to get to my meetings, so I’ll end here.  Be sure to check out all the other purple blocks as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis, katie z.


Ivani said...

Your pineple quilt is beautiful and I love the picture, Katie.
Great progress with 2 more blocks for your farm quilt
Have a wonderful weekend.

Deb A said...

Beautiful pineapple quilt! That egg basket block is perfect. I have been using a big mushroom container to collect our eggs.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The pineapple quilt is turning out just great! Glad you're liking it better, too!

grammajudyb said...

The pineapple quilt looks awesome from here. I can’t wait to see it finished!,

gayle said...

I'm glad your pineapple quilt is growing on you. It's hard working on something that doesn't own a big chunk of your heart.
I adore that egg basket - the red rim is perfect!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Oh, those lovely Pineapples, Katie!! Here's hoping that you enjoy the quilting more than you did the piecing. Nice job on those PURPLE blocks for the RSC!

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