Tuesday, May 31, 2022

June Goals

 May disappeared in a flash.

1. Scraps.  Whatever the color of scraps, trim, more hexagon work, more triangles, finish the farm quilt, and then whatever is color appropriate.  Done.  Five hexagons, triangles into sets of 8, a finished farm quilt, and an entire green flimsy!

2. Finish the tshirt quilt.  Done.

3. I may dive into the valentine quilt assembly or the split star blocks (of which I have finished only one).  Instead, I started an entirely new project and got it to flimsy stage.

June may disappear in a similar fashion.  My outside list is long!

1. Scraps: trim, four more hexagon rounds, triangles into a flimsy, finish the green quilt, and work on the split star blocks for blue.

2. Make the Assistant’s blue dress.

3,  Make a tshirt quilt that was used as a fundraiser for our youth group.

4,  Make a small tote bag.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Monday, May 30, 2022

May Block Count

 This month, I added 101 blocks, 53 triangle four patches and 48 green blocks.  That brings my total of 1377 blocks for 2022.  With my tiny triangles all sewn into patches, my numbers are about to slow dramatically.  That’s fine.  I’ll find a new leader and ender for myself soon.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Stash Report Week #21 and 15 Minutes

 I finished no quilts, but did use the last bits of another spool of thread.  I will be preparing my green flimsy, Oddments, for quilting this week, so a finish is on the horizon.

Hand stitching wiggled in between the end of the year festivities.  I finished brown rounds on five hexagon flowers in May, so I’m happy with the progress.  Blue should see another four, hopefully five, finished next month.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Oddments: An Adventure

 I hope you will forgive my wrinkly picture.  The flimsy is carefully pressed and tucked away, and not until that task was accomplished did I realize this was the “best” picture I had.  The blocks are done and assembled.  Since the blocks are large (9”x14”), most of the assembly was a breeze.  Even where there were many seams, it was a matter of pinning and NOT matching seams together.  I’m pleased to have gotten this far in May.
Tomorrow is our 17th anniversary, so DH and I slipped away last night for a brief trip without kids (only our second overnight away from everyone… autism and sleep disorders makes it hard on everyone!).  Before I left, the Assistant and I industriously wrapped rubber bands around fabric and I set to mixing my dye.  We shall see what it looks like in a few days!  Even if it doesn’t “work,” it will be a matter of redyeing, and so far, it looks promising.
I spent an afternoon cutting and tidying the scraps left from this project.  Since it required six sizes of scraps in 1/4” increments, some of the leftovers did not fit into my scrap system.  All’s well now, and my cutting board looks oddly empty.

Next month’s scrap projects will be my triangles and my split star blocks.  The triangles are finally ready to assemble into strips.  Each strip will contain 1024 triangles.  I’ll be sashing the strips with red after I test the red for dye fastness.  The split star blocks are patiently waiting.  Plenty of pieces are cut, but I need to busy myself with sewing components so I can assemble some blocks!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Stash Report Week #20

 The stash report took a bit of a hit this weekend.  My sister and Spunky visited Hancock’s of Paducah as part of their Kentucky trip last week.  Oh, how I missed Spunky’s help all last week.  They brought me home some lovely fabric.

I worked on my hand stitching every day this week, finishing up two brown rounds.

One more spool of thread bit the dust, for 15 spools for the year.

IN this week: 6 yards
OUT this week: 0 yards

IN YTD: 50 yards
OUT YTD: 91 yards
YTD Total: 41 yards OUT

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Oddments, Continued

The green fabrics are quickly dwindling.  A few inches off each fabric is certainly adding up to a much bigger reduction than I anticipated!  I am currently sorting and cutting the last 16 blocks for this quilt.  My hope is to finish the blocks by the end of the week, but we shall see.  School is down to the last four days! I need to stick to the dark and medium fabrics, I think.

 I finished a tshirt quilt for my SiL just minutes ago, so my tasks for next week are pretty short.  Now it’s time to work outside, so off I go!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis, katie z.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Stash Report Week #19 and 15 Minutes

 Belatedly, here I am reporting stash usage for last week.  Sunday was a long day with several hours of school obligations, so I didn’t do much the rest of the day.

Last week, I did finish my farm quilt, made from the metallic cork collection as well as a variety of backgrounds.  As a king-sized quilt, I roughly figured 20 yards of fabric gone from my stash.  I also received one yard in the mail, which I had totally forgotten I had ordered.  I will make a Christmas/St. Patrick’s Day pillow cover with it.

IN this week: 1 yard
OUT this week: 20 yards

IN YTD: 44 yards
OUT YTD: 91 yards
YTD Total: 47 yards OUT

I have a tshirt quilt to finish, but as I didn’t count the backing in, I won’t count it out.  There didn’t seem much sense in counting it when it doesn’t change the stats.  I’m glad that I’m back at my goal for using twice what I buy and that I’ve nearly reached my usage goal for the year.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Oddments, Continued

 BJ is unwell again, so I’ve been hustling all morning to get my chores done and snuggle with him.  He doesn’t sleep well when his condition flares up, so we’re both a little tired.

I hope to finish two more blocks today for this collection of green, but we shall see.  I am trying hard to use the small and awkward chunks of green in my stash, but I can also tell from this photo that I need to incorporate more dark greens.
I finished the binding on the farm quilt early in the week.  It’s still not 100% completed; a few blocks would be improved by some embroidery.  I have no desire to do that right now, so we shall see when that happens.
I’m going to sneak in a few sewing moments before BJ needs me again, so I’m off!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Saturday, May 7, 2022

Stash Report Week #18 and 15 Minutes

 Alas, it is evening as I write this and my picture is darker than I thought.  Well, you can see it’s colorful and tall, which is the point.  For Mother’s Day and as a splurge to myself (my husband is leaving his teaching job after 16 years and the associated drama has stressed me out), I bought 4 grab bags from Hancock’s of Paducah.  At least 2 pieces were not Kona solids as advertised, but still useable, so Im very pleased.

IN this week: 16 yards
OUT this week: 0 yards

IN YTD: 43 yards
OUT YTD: 71 yards
YTD Total: 28 yards OUT

While I’ve fallen behind my goal of using twice what I purchase, I will remedy that next week when I finish the farm quilt.

I stitched every day this week, for 126 of 127 days.  Woohoo!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


I have started a new quilt for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  My other green project was the bee scraps, and since I already finished that, I had nothing!  This quilt will be for the Assistant’s friend.  I hope it includes the correct colors of green.  Since it’s for a boy, I’m avoiding minty greens, flowers, anything with traces of pink, and baby prints.  So far, I have not repeated a fabric, but with 56 blocks needed, I will repeat plenty!
I also completed the quilting on my farm quilt (last year’s RSC challenge).  Once I stitch the binding down, I’ll lay it out and take its beauty shots.

I tried to write this blog post first thing in the morning, but the chaos of the weekend rapidly took over.  It’s now 11:15 and I have almost 10,000 steps from yard work.  Hopefully this afternoon I’ll have a chance to work on green block and brown binding.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. I’m linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.


Monday, May 2, 2022

April UFO Report

 I finished one quilt and started another, with the rocket quilt finished and a tshirt quilt begun.

1. Double wedding ring
2. Pillow
3. ABC appliqué 
4. Hand hexagons
5. Split Star
6. Farm quilt
7. Pink hexagons
8. Valentine
9. Triangles
10. SiL tshirt

April 1: 10 projects
Started: 1
Finished: 1
April 30: 10 projects

I hope to finish two quilts in the coming month and I am contemplating a new green quilt for the scraps.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Stash Report Week #17 and 15 Minutes

 I made plenty of progress this week, but no finishes, so the stash report remains unchanged.  I did finish my 14th spool of thread for the year.  The overflow thread box is thinning out nicely.

I managed to work on my hexagons every day this week, although last night it was just a few moments before bed as I forgot about them all day!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...