Tuesday, May 31, 2022

June Goals

 May disappeared in a flash.

1. Scraps.  Whatever the color of scraps, trim, more hexagon work, more triangles, finish the farm quilt, and then whatever is color appropriate.  Done.  Five hexagons, triangles into sets of 8, a finished farm quilt, and an entire green flimsy!

2. Finish the tshirt quilt.  Done.

3. I may dive into the valentine quilt assembly or the split star blocks (of which I have finished only one).  Instead, I started an entirely new project and got it to flimsy stage.

June may disappear in a similar fashion.  My outside list is long!

1. Scraps: trim, four more hexagon rounds, triangles into a flimsy, finish the green quilt, and work on the split star blocks for blue.

2. Make the Assistant’s blue dress.

3,  Make a tshirt quilt that was used as a fundraiser for our youth group.

4,  Make a small tote bag.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Good luck with your goals for June!

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