Saturday, March 11, 2023


Box blocks didn’t get much attention this week in terms of sewing time.  I did get them all cut out.

Most of my sewing time this week was focused on this lovely (not scrappy) flimsy.  I had to remove all the papers and decide on a layout.
I did make a scrappy green backing for it and even cut the batting.  Now, quilting is still up in the air.  I’m sure it will show me all my errors!

I did get all my green 2.5” squares sewn to white squares.  The piles went on forever!  I suspect I may have more green than I had blue or pink.  Hmm.

It’s spring break this week and Spunky turned 15 yesterday, so who knows the chaos this weekend will bring!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis, katie z.


Helenchaffin said...

you have a nice collection of blocks going,I think we all run into having more of one color than another,orange is always a problem for me as I don't sew anything orange so I have to buy something in the orange family when we get to orange lol

The Joyful Quilter said...

Happy birthday, Spunky, and kudos to you, Katie!! You managed a bit of GREEN sewing for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge along with the paper ripping extravaganza.

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