Sunday, March 31, 2024

Stash Report Weeks #12-13 and 15 Minutes

 Alas, other than finishing off a spool of thread, making 6 for the year, I had no stash changes.

I did work on my hexagons every day for my 15 minutes over the last two weeks.  I have all the hexagons basted for the next section, and I’ve started connecting them.

And on we go.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Here, There, Everywhere

I’m grateful we have extra days off for Easter.  I had a nightmare last night that I didn’t get anything ready for Easter baskets for the kids!  I’ve had years where I put lots of energy into preparing for holidays, but that’s not the truth lately.  Miss G and Sneaky Pete helped me fill the baskets this morning (my kids don’t mind the baskets not being surprises), I baked the dessert for Easter, and later we’ll dye eggs with C, my nephew in college near us.  None of the other cousins are in the state, so we don’t see them often.

I did finish another center block.  Their odd angles and sizes make me nervous, but they’ve really gone together so much better than my first blocks.  The teacher I want to give this quilt to is definitely leaving the school this year, so the time crunch has officially arrived!  I think I’ll see what size I can make with the blocks I already have, maybe make a few more in April, and spend May quilting.
My purple 16 patch blocks made great progress this week.  I hope I can finish making them by Sunday evening, but we shall see.  I have one purple butterfly fabric that may end up in every single block.  It’s apparently one of this delightfully pesky fabrics that never disappears!
I hope your Saturday is full of fabric and that, if you celebrate Easter, it is holy and happy!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Saturday, March 23, 2024

Plugging Away

Somehow I spent most of this week thinking it was the last week in March.  I’m glad I have another week! I have plenty of purple still to sew for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

Today I’m going to try to make all these pieces into 4 patches.  There are many more purple scraps than red!
I did finish nine flower blocks, and today I’ll finish the last two.  I’m glad they are easier to piece than the New York Beauty blocks but harder than the 16 patch blocks.  I like variety.

 My bojagi has a little bit of purple in it too.

This block was much easier than I thought, so I’m facing the next center block this week.  There are so many pieces!
from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Stash Report Week #11 and 15 Minutes

 I finished my box blocks quilt this week, so the stash report is back in the area I prefer it to be.  I love to buy new fabric, but I am spend more time these days thinking about environmental impact and spending my money wisely, so I do want to use what I have.  I can see, by the stacks in my closet, that the prints are slowly dwindling and the hand dyed collection is growing.

IN this week: 0 yards
OUT this week: 4 1/4 yards

IN YTD: 9 1/4 yards
OUT YTD: 19 3/4 yards
YTD Total: 10 1/2 yards OUT

I have lots of hand work these days, both the hexagon quilt and a ramie bojagi, so the 15 minutes a day was no problem.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Patchwork in Purple

 Alas, spring break is almost over.  I think everyone at my house enjoyed the reprieve from regular scheduling!

I sorted and started sewing my 2.5” bricks into blocks.  I am always amazed at how much I can make from my scrap boxes and yet, they never empty.
The strips from16 patches seem to be going on forever.  I still haven’t finished sewing and cutting the initial strips.  Maybe today.
I did finish this quilt from my box blocks.  There will be one more in blue, and I know my 2” strip box is still full, just not packed as tight as at the beginning of last year.
from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Stash Report Week #10 and 15 Minutes

 I stopped at the Hobby Lobby remnant section again on Saturday, so I brought home another yard of white, and I also received some fun Hangul fabric to make a skirt.  I have binding to stitch down on a quilt in the coming week, so I'll push my numbers back in the right direction.

IN this week: 4 yards
OUT this week: 0 yards

IN YTD Total: 9 1/4 yards
OUT YTD Total: 15 1/2 yards
YTD Total: 6 1/4 yards OUT

On the 15 minutes front, I worked on my hexagons all week.  Despite it being another chaotic week, I finally finished attaching a section, basted all the hexagons for the next section, and have many of them into sections.  I hope with spring break this week that I'm able to get it assembled and maybe (I can hope!) assembled.  The girls and I are watching a Korean drama together over break, so while I do have to watch the subtitles, I should be able to get plenty of stitching time in.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Saturday, March 9, 2024


It’s finally Spring Break.  I’ve whinged about the long days and weeks, but they really were extraordinarily “extra.”  The coming week has no school, and while I will undoubtedly have moments of being overwhelmed by their noise, my kids and I are all ready for a week of less activity.

My big goal for Spring Break is to get a large Bojagi laid out for piecing.  I spend last weekend cutting the first strips, and I subcut them during this week, but I will have to cut many more before I’m done.  At least I have enough to start organizing.
Miss G is kindly sorting my purple strips this morning so I can piece them more easily next week.
I sorted my 2.5” bricks for flowers.  They will be easy to piece over spring break too.
Finally, today I need to finish quilting this quilt.  I’m about 75% done, and I’m not choosing a complicated pattern, so that’s my plan for this morning.

 from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

March Goals

 February goals were simple, I thought, but I still didn’t finish all of them.

1.  Trim scraps, work on the next 3-4 filler hexagon pieces (the smaller ones!), make 16 patches and flowers from red scraps, and finish the aqua and grey box blocks.  Done except for attaching the 4th hexagon section.

2.  Dye fabric.  I know what I need to do now to design some fabric, but first, it requires making the designs I want.  I love the texture of hand-dyed print in bojagi.  Dyed a lot of fabric.  It was lovely!

3.  Make one New York Beauty block a week.  I finished 3.

Stretch goals: 
1. Continue the chemistry of dyeing workshop.  Continued

2.  Post a quilt for sale on my etsy page. Done.

3.  Make a drafted bojagi.  Nope

March goals are even more restrained as it has turned into a busy month.
1. Scraps: trim, purple flower blocks, purple 16 patches.

2. Finish the rainbow box blocks quilt.  If I finish it, maybe start the final box blocks quilt.

3.  Attach the small hexagon section and make a large one for the last side.

4.  Make New York Beauty blocks.  Preferably 5, but at least 3.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Monday, March 4, 2024

February UFO Report

I realized last week that I never added my New York Beauty blocks to my UFO list. Oops!  I didn’t really add a new project this month, but I need to count it, so my UFO list increased by one.

I need to finish the box blocks before I tackle the ABC appliqué quilts, but I would like to get both of my list before the end of 2024!

1. Double wedding ring
2. Brown pillow
3.  ABC appliqué*
4.  Hand pieced hexagons
5. Pink hexagons
6. Box blocks
7. 16 patches
8. New York Beauty

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, March 2, 2024


It is hard for me when life is so full of extra activities that I don’t have time to sew as much, and this was one of those week.  Unfortunately, next week looks to be even worse, but at least I know I have Spring Break the week after.

Relinquishing goals, even (or maybe particularly?) self-imposed ones is always frustrating.  I am trying to be less annoyed and more accepting.  Life is just busy.  

I have lots of unfinished goals this week.  I didn’t get this flimsy basted, but I am glad I have a flimsy, backing, and batting ready to go.  I love how nicely the scraps play together.  I did laugh when I noticed several places where the same fabric touches.  How many dozens of fabrics are in this quilt, and I still didn’t sort them “right”!
 I ran out of red scraps, so I reverted to green for the week, with most of my lighter green scraps sewn into strip sets for 16 patches.  I’m away for the weekend, but it will be nice to pull out the purple scraps when I get home Sunday.  I do love purple.

I didn’t finish my New York Beauty block for the week either.  The evenings, when I usually sit down and sew while Spunky does homework on my ironing board, were full of meetings and events.

I ran out of time to attach my hexagon section too, so I’ll have to finish it next week.  I do have all the pieces cut for the next section, so I’ll work on those.

February Block Count

 February was significantly busy with “real life,” so my block count dropped accordingly.  I added them up incorrectly three times before I got it right!  I made 71 blocks, 3 New York Beauty, 39 16-patches, 13 hexagon sections, and 17 flowers.  That brings my total to 210 blocks for 2024!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Stash Report Week #9

 The week was too busy to finish things, so the stash report remains unchanged.

IN YTD: 5 1/4 yards
OUT YTD: 15 1/2 yards
YTD Total: 10 1/4 yards OUT

I did finish the next hexagon section and got it halfway attached before it was time to leave home for the weekend.  I have the hexagons for the next section with me, so I’ll get a good start on it.  I did remember to stitch every day.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...