Tuesday, March 5, 2024

March Goals

 February goals were simple, I thought, but I still didn’t finish all of them.

1.  Trim scraps, work on the next 3-4 filler hexagon pieces (the smaller ones!), make 16 patches and flowers from red scraps, and finish the aqua and grey box blocks.  Done except for attaching the 4th hexagon section.

2.  Dye fabric.  I know what I need to do now to design some fabric, but first, it requires making the designs I want.  I love the texture of hand-dyed print in bojagi.  Dyed a lot of fabric.  It was lovely!

3.  Make one New York Beauty block a week.  I finished 3.

Stretch goals: 
1. Continue the chemistry of dyeing workshop.  Continued

2.  Post a quilt for sale on my etsy page. Done.

3.  Make a drafted bojagi.  Nope

March goals are even more restrained as it has turned into a busy month.
1. Scraps: trim, purple flower blocks, purple 16 patches.

2. Finish the rainbow box blocks quilt.  If I finish it, maybe start the final box blocks quilt.

3.  Attach the small hexagon section and make a large one for the last side.

4.  Make New York Beauty blocks.  Preferably 5, but at least 3.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

You still had a pretty productive month even though you didn't get to everything. Hopefully March turns out to not be so busy. It seems it's common the month gets busier than expected, it seems so rare that it's less busy than we expect. Good luck with all your March goals.

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