Saturday, June 8, 2024

Pleasantly Blue

 What did I do this week?  Mostly, it feels like, prepare for work.  I’ll be returning to teaching full time this fall, so I needed fingerprints and paperwork and all the things.

I also made a weighted blanket for my niece’s best friend.  It’s not that it takes so long, really, but that it’s messy.  I have little plastic pellets all over my floor because they are experts at escaping.

In between all the coming and going and messiness, I did sew my blue strips into sets and cut them all.  Next week, I have classes Monday through Thursday, so I’m trying to imagine what I can actually get done each day.  For now, I’ll just enjoy this pretty container of fabric.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

lots of pretty blue - I need to get caught up on my RSC quilts soon I missed pink and now blue for this month.

Kate said...

Very pretty blues. Hopefully the classes this week will go quickly and you'll still have some energy to stitch a bit in the evening.

Stacks of Blocks

I had a ridiculous amount of blue scraps for 16 patches, so my block count this week is a little wild.  This stack is 269 blocks. Last week,...