Wednesday, December 30, 2009

On the 5th Day of Christmas,

my true love gave to me five crazy kids, forty acres, three haircuts by Assistant, two new-old cars, and a baby boy named Q. We have visited DH's family cabin several times, most recently with 5 children aged 4 and under. It was quite a wild time, and DH had some fabulous orange camo chaps for chopping wood. Did you even know they made orange camouflage chaps?

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Mary-Kay said...

I just saw a guy here in suburbia with orange camo overalls on. I was trying to figure out where he was going or where he came from. And I never knew there was such a thing either.

Stash Report Week #19 and 15 Minutes

 Alas, no changes to the stash report.  I did stitch binding onto my New York Beauty quilt this morning, so by the end of the next week, I’l...