Sunday, May 15, 2011

Design Wall Monday

I have nothing nice to say about the trauma involved in making a nightgown for the assistant, so I'll just leave it at that.  The directions were very clear (not like my slipper fiasco!) and I didn't do any reverse sewing.  There's one spot on the back of the yolk where I have an extra fold of fabric, but it's the back, and it's a nightgown, and it's lovely.

My table runner was set aside for the trauma of the nightgown, so it's not done despite my expectations.  I quilted the background with gold thread, and I'm not doing that again.  It broke, skipped stitches, YUCK!  I'll be quilting the red with a rust colored thread (it's the closest I have to red, and I'm not going out to buy thread. That's a wrinkle from being thrown on the floor, not because I laid it out badly (although, I think there may be wrinkles on the back.  Oops)

I have some questions about quilt patterns for all of you.  I am in the process of writing a pattern for the table runners I've been making, but I want to know...
1. What size do you prefer patterns?  8.5 x 11 or 5.5 x 8.5?
2. Printed on one side or both?
3. How many variations makes a pattern a "good buy?"
4. Would you be interested in being a pattern tester? (Making a top from my directions and letting me know how garbled they are!)

Check out the other design walls on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

DH adds: Overheard in our house while my wife is sewing away.

Wife: What are you microwaving?
DH: "Screamer"'s socks


Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I like the patterns that are on a regular size sheet then folded. I like color photos so I can see what I am looking at, the instructions can be line drawings, that is fine, but I need a photo of the entire quilt.

A couple of variations are fine, something unique would be fabulous.

Can't remember the other questions, maybe I need more coffee......

glen: love the microwave comment!

Meghann said...

I like patterns that are 8.5x11 just makes it easier as the print is usually alittle bigger on those. Two sided is not a problem in my book. Variations are always a nice bonus so but not necessary. I would love to be a pattern tester for you:)

Alzbeta said...

Why was he microwaving Screamer's socks? I'm lost :).

I'm trying to find a cute nightgown for Anni to take pictures of the yellow cap you sent, no luck yet.

And, as you know, I don't actually know anything about quilting, so I have no answer for the rest of your questions :).

swooze said...

1. What size do you prefer patterns? 8.5 x 11 or 5.5 x 8.5?
- I like the 8.5 x 11 folded like a book

2. Printed on one side or both?

- both is fine

3. How many variations makes a pattern a "good buy?"

- more than one and with different color options shown makes it even better

4. Would you be interested in being a pattern tester?

- I have pattern tested before. Just email and we can discuss timeframes.

End of Year…

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