Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunday Stash Report Week #21

3 yards out this week... 1 yard for a nightgown and 2 yards for my red monochromatic challenge.

I've been a bit scatterbrained about quilting lately.  There's just so much going on in our life as a family that I pop from one project to another without finishing much of anything.

I've worked on my UFO project, and will have an updated picture on Monday with my "design wall" post.  I finished what I intended to finish on this long term project, but decided to assemble a top since I have baby gifts coming due this summer (the UFO is a set of ABC fabrics for baby quilts).  Now I'm working on appliqueing the letters to the background.  We'll see how far I get before the end of the month.

I am also working on my Scraps to Treasures top for the HGTV boards, but I can't show any pictures because it's supposed to be a secret until it's finished in October.  I'm cutting LOTS of... dang.  Um, shapes.

"Favorite Things" is slow going.  It's so big, and I'm hating the thread I'm using to hand quilt, and I'm just not feeling it... Any suggestions?

We returned Saturday evening from a quick trip to Hays, KS, where a friend was ordained to the diaconate.  (Finally, a friend who can baptize our kids... not the current three, they're already baptized.  I've just always thought it would be nice to have a friend share in such a special way in the introduction into the family of God for our kids.  And no, that does not mean I'm currently pregnant.)  I did not get to stop at the quilt shop.  DH said, "But you've already been there."  He's already been to Bass Pro and Cabela's, but we go to them again.  It's fine, since I've really spent enough on fabric for now.

The coming week foretells more strangeness and busy-ness... the Assistant has only one day of pre-K left, then she's out for the summer.   I need to catch up on the garden (or at least not be so far behind).  I need to plant some flowers a neighbor gave us before they die.  Strawberries are ripening at an alarming rate, and the birds are giving us a run for our money this year.

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Planning ahead for bastisms? Lots of laughing here at that! (we approached that one backward--our daughter was baptized a few days before confirmation at 14yo) Beat the birds off the strawberries--can't they confine themselves to bugs? after all, we don't eat their bugs!

End of Year…

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