Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Top 10 Reasons I'm Not Hand Quilting

1.  It requires thought.  I'm not into thinking these days.
2.  Don't ask how many accidents Screamer had yesterday to celebrate a change in her schedule.
3.  Bear Cub Q thinks he should empty my sewing basket.
4.  Monochromatic red... I might applique.  Does that make me crazy?  (DON'T answer that!)
5.  UFO #9... also involves some serious applique prep-work.  Do we see a theme?
6.  I get to pick new carpet for my living room.
7.  Housework has never been so complicated with Bear Cub Q.
8.  I'm procrastinating.  I must admit, this one disturbs me.  I am not a procrastinator by habit.  In college, my papers were always done ahead of time.  It drove DH nuts (as well as all the other college students around me).  I don't like to have things undone.  Why can't I get motivated here?
9.  I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and still blame grief.  I just returned from a trip to Omaha to see my godfather's sisters.  They gave me back the quilt I made for him.  They washed it for me, so it smells just like his house.  They gave me a check from his estate... and I didn't deserve it.  I should have gone to visit more frequently, written more letters.  It's a good thing I'm giving some of it away to someone who deserves it.
10.  It's a gigantic queen size quilt - the biggest quilt I've ever made, and it's so bulky.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Living the Lewis Lifestyle said...

A check is just a check. If he wanted you to have it, you do deserve it. But at the end of the day do something with it that makes you feel good, like helping other people out. I am sure he couldn't have been more proud. We all have "off" times. I feel I am going through one myself. I hope and pray that things will balance out for you all soon. After all, today is National Day of Prayer celebrate ;)

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