Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's Giveaway Time...

Hey, folks, thanks for liking my facebook page!  Since I've reached 100 "likes," I'm giving away ONE hat, any size, may include ONE flower.  The hat can be one I've already made or a custom made hat in any style already in my etsy shop (check it out by clicking on the banner on the right).

The rules?  It's easy....
1. Leave ONE comment on THIS post.  Comments on my facebook page won't work, as the legalities of facebook are pretty stringent.  I need an email address to contact you, either in your profile or in your comment.

2. Comments will close on Wednesday, July 6, at noon, CST.  At that point, I will take all the comments, number them, and chose a number using a random number generator.

3.  I will post the number and name here.  I will also send an email and give the winner 48 hours to acknowledge my email to them.  If I don't hear from them in that time, I will select a new number.  Once I have reached the lucky person, I will post his/her name on facebook (again, facebook mumbo jumbo).

That's it! If you aren't already a fan, please head over to my page and "like" it, but this is NOT a requirement to enter.  If you have already, thanks a bunch!  If you see something you would like to order, please email me or head over to my etsy shop, and we can work it out!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

June UFO Summary

I made progress, which is all I wanted.

I cut up all the lids that were waiting to be made into my hexagons.

Here is a picture of completed hexagon snowflakes: Design Wall Monday.  I added two this month, and have a third almost finished.

Here are almost all the new fabrics I added this month:

Thanks again to all the lovely ladies who shared squares with me.  I have 6 or 7 new sets complete, as well as plenty to start filling in the edge (when I figure out exactly how I'm doing that!).

There will be plenty of other UFO finishes at Patchwork Times.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Voboril Family Vacation, Part 1

Friday, we left my older sister's house in a three car (all right, two car and a van...) caravan.  Our first stop in this nonsense trip?  Beck's Farm, off exit 25 near Newton, Kansas.

My mom and I chatted along about things like petroleum-based fertilizer, Gene Logsdon, human waste, and farming.  Wait, was that Dad exiting?  And C (dear BiL)?  And, oh, that was exit 25?  Pretty soon Mom's phone is ringing, with my older sister making sure we knew we missed the exit.  Yup, we'll turn around...  We did, we arrived, bought lots of lovely-looking fruit for our trip, and headed again.  That was only stop 1 on the Voboril family vacation.

Stop 2?  McPherson, only 30 minutes up the road, to have lunch at Krehbiels Meat Market and Deli.  I opted for the brisket, the Screamer wanted mac'n'cheese, and the Assistant had a burger.  All the kids were SLIGHTLY wound up, and ran around the store laughing.  Fortunately, adults outnumbered children on this vacation, 'cuz that's how we do it on a Voboril family vacation.  On our way out the door, we observed three cyclists hauling some serious camping gear.  I wonder how far they were going?

Next up, adventuring out into Middle of Nowhere, Kansas.  It is Voboril family tradition that our vacations be to out-of-the-way, nothing-to-do places that no one else would elect for "prime vacation action."  But, as you will see, there was plenty to do and see, and that's how we roll on a Voboril family vacation.

At LaCrosse, after a missed road out of McPherson, Mom and I stopped for gas and a quilt shop.  We passed the quilt shop once (almost twice) because it was lacking a big sign.  Fortunately for me, the quilt shop (the Patchwork Place), is going out of business September 5, so everything was 40% off.  She had been in business for 36 years and did all her math by hand.  I enjoyed a bit of cheap shopping.

After LaCrosse, we headed north to the Cedar Bluffs Resevoir, where we would be sleeping and joining up with Alzbe and her Volkswagon crew.  Unbeknownst to us, we had to drive on the dam to reach the state park office.  Why does it matter, the unwary reader may ask?  Because my dad simply doesn't DO heights.  Not mountains with their hairpin turns, not large, arching bridges, and certainly not roads on dams where the guard rail was less than a foot high (because you want an unobstructed view of the dam, doncha know?).  Ooops.  Mom said, "Oh, Dad is going to be so mad at me!"  We all apologize for that mistake about 100 times; Dad said it was fine, and no one did it on purpose.

We checked in and followed the road to our two cabins.  One would attempt to contain my family (minus DH) and Alzbe's, while the other held Mom, Dad, and my single, second-youngest brother (J), and my older sister's family (M, C, and CII).  The cabin for our family bore the name Flyway and was decorated with ducks and antlers.  The other cabin, the Gobbler's Roost, obviously had to contain turkey decorations... and antlers.  Our cabin had apparently been built to be handicap-accessible, with a ramp and accessible shower.  Little did we anticipate that the larger bathroom would mean the bedroom for Alzbe's crew would be big enough for a small bunk bed and a shoehorned-in- Pack'n'Play.  And nothing else.  Nothing.  'Cuz that's how things go on a Voboril family vacation.

The lovely reservoir and state park spread out below us.  What would you imagine the most prominent sign was?  It was so frequent that the Assistant, by the end of our stay, could read "NO FISH" fluently.  No fish in the fridge.  No fish cleaning in the cabin.  No fish refuse in the trash dumpster.  No fish.  No fish.  NO FISH.  Good thing we weren't fishin'.  The other thing there was NOt?  An oven.  I had intended to bake biscuits for breakfast Saturday morning, so this was going to call for some creative cooking, but that is another post, another day.

M, CII, J, and my girls went swimming in the lake while Bear Cub Q and I unpacked.

Alzbe and her crew arrived.  We were all most excited to see Anni (we love you too, Alzbe and Daniel!).

M and C provided dinner in the form of sandwiches, including a wax-dipped wheel of Wisconsin cheddar.  Yum.  We also shared in the Beck's Farm fruit, but Mom was toasted and the rest of us disappointed when we discovered all the berries, still in their BF's containers, were full of moldy, squashy, inedible fruit.

After dinner, we opted to search for Threshing Machine Canyon.  Here settlers had been massacred by Native Americans in 1867, and there are carvings still visible from various other travelers through the canyon.  The advice from the state park office was less than helpful.  A rough map, some indications of a shelter and parking spot, and a warning for snakes.  But there were supposed to be carvings from the 1800's, and we love our little slices of history and cheap thrills, so we were off in two vehicles.  One could actually see our cabins from the road we ended up on, but we had to drive 5 miles to get there.

We spied a crazy A-frame house, probably someone's private cabin, and wanted to hike up to it, but were voted down (very sensibly) by the other vehicle.  Two dead ends later, we were no closer to our goal.  Finally, our vehicle made a mad stop at the bottom of gully, Alzbe and I scrambled out and ran through the "snake and tick infested" grass ('cuz all tall grass is teeming with nasty wildlife, right? Just kidding) and FOUND CARVINGS form 1859.  After a picture or two, we high-tailed it back to the car to catch up with the others, who were by this time deeply concerned about our safety.  Our van is not the, well, not the most reliable vehicle at times, so there WAS a distinct possibility that all electrical systems had failed and we were dead in the water.  We've had it happen before, 'cuz that's how we do things on a Voboril family vacation.  Fortunately for all of us, we were only discovering the canyon.  Alzbe, Daniel, and I chattered in excitement about our discovery and intention to return.

I should have mentioned, the entire drive and search for the canyon, we were seeing more white tail deer than I had ever seen in my life.

Upon arriving home, all were exhausted.  A few communal baby showers later (the bathing kind, not gift kind), and struggles to put said babies to sleep, we were ready to crash.

But, wait!  The end of the day most blessedly contained evening prayer shared with M, C, the adults of our cabin, and my girls (who cried alligator tears and professed to be afraid of the dark.  Another story for another time).  And that, of course, is how we do it on a Voboril family vacation.

Sibs and parents, if any of this is not to your recollection, or if you would like to add to the story, please let me know.  You have my email, or leave a comment here!

Night came, and morning followed.  It was Saturday.  And that, my friends, is enough for now.  DH is being most polite in watching the kids while I write this.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Design Wall Monday

Progress is being made, slowly but surely.  This month I have finished 2 more hexagon "snowflake" shapes.  I also need to sort all of my new fabrics.
I have received fabrics from these lovely ladies (I apologize if I miss anyone!):
SheriV (HGTV boards)
Quiltzilla (HGTV boards)
nlk (HGTV boards)
LisaP8 (HGTV boards)
goaskmom (HGTV boards)
mcpatches (HGTV boards)
SeeingStars (HGTV boards)

Check out the other design walls, floors, tables, and so on at Judy's place!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Stash Report Week #26

3 yards in, and a more complete story to come later this week.  I've been out of town and stopped at a quilt shop that is going out of business!

Check out the other stash reports at

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

UFO progress

I have completed two more sets of hexagons for my star and snowflake quilt.  Woohoo!  Only a few hundred more hexagons to go...

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Design Wall Monday

Just the stars and snowflakes I have received in the mail so far (there were 5 or so repeats, and I took those out).
I need to get to work!

Check out the other design walls on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Stash Report Week #25

Somebody help me remember, what's a sewing machine?  Have I ever used one?  How does it work?

What a week...

On Tuesday, I attended my first quilt guild meeting.  Eh.  Meh.  Too big for little old me.  Anyone have any suggestions of OTHER ways to meet quilters in real life?

On Friday, my sister and I spent some quality time photographing hats, table runners, and my ABC quilt.  I love my younger sister.

Friday evening, we went blueberry picking with friends and my older sister.  It was HOT, but other than sweating profusely, I loved it.  My sister and I got to talk about lots of things, including the fact that we haven't turned on our AC yet.  We may not turn it on at all.

We've spent weeks trying to get a painter to come paint Bear Cub Q's room to help with lead exposure.  He was supposed to come Saturday at 9, so I got up early to clear out his room and the girls' room (the trim needed to be painted).  At 9:10, the painter's WIFE calls to tell us he has to help out his mom with her broken down car.  Then, later, DH calls him, and he says he MIGHT be able to get to us Wednesday, but he doesn't know.  What didn't he just say "NO" weeks ago, so we could have had someone in and out in that time.  I want to throw all of my kids' toys away so I don't have to move them AGAIN when the next painter finally shows up.

Then, while my DH was painting the quarter round outside and I was forwarding him a link to a local painter that does lead renovations, the Screamer used a pair of scissors to give herself a thorough, unredeemable mullet.  (No offense meant, if you have a mullet.  That just doesn't fly in our neighborhood, or in my family.  Especially not for a 3-year-old girl who had lovely hair.)  Then she attacked her brother, who brought me upstairs with his frightened, crying protests.  Three buzz jobs later (DH decided he should cut his hair too, since we had the supplies out), I am sad.  My baby boy doesn't have the hair for me to run my fingers through while I am nursing him.  Now, the funny thing about this is that the Screamer's very expressive face is much more noticeable since there's no hair covering it to distract you.  Her last haircut was easier to edit (look here for a snapshot).

I'm doing a giveaway of a crocheted hat if I get 100 people to like my page on Facebook.  If you're interested, check this link out: Giveaway or go straight to facebook.

Check out other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Crocheted Hat Giveaway!

Bear Cub modeling one of my hats.

Toodle on over to my facebook page ( and like my page.  If I hit 100 "likes," I will be giving away a hat!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

My First Quilt Guild Meeting

My reaction? Meh.

So, the welcoming/beekeeping table is supposed to make sure a visitor can find a seat and gets all her questions asked.  Me?  I was lucky enough just to find an unoccupied seat for myself in that great sea of estrogen.

I do not like to talk to strangers, so I probably would have had a much better time if someone HAD taken me under their wing and introduced me to some of their buddies.

As it was, show-and-tell had some amazing quilts.  The presentation was about tile quilts, and quite amazing, except that I don't do hand applique well, and I don't need another project on my to-do list!

I worked on my hexagon UFO/long-term project during the meeting, basting another set of 13 and began sewing them together in their "snowflake shapes."  Some nice woman did ask me, during cookie break, what I was doing, and figured I must have been quilting for a while if I was up to hexagons.  Yup, but can't say my hexagons still look all that great!

I can see what sociable people love these meetings.  I was just floored by the number of women.  There must have been at least 400...

My mom and DH both insist that I should go a few more times before I write off the experience completely.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Design Wall Monday

I finished the table runner that was in pieces last week.  You can see a picture here!

Blogger/Safari won't allow me to upload photos, so you'll just have to trust me that I actually did have a few...

I was going to include pictures of my newest hats that I crocheted, just because I think they are so cute.  In a burst of inspiration, I made two red, white, and blue hats for the 4th of July.  You can see them on my etsy page in the column next to my post (and no, I'm not sending you there so you'll buy them.  They are just so CUTE!).

Check out the other posts on Judy's blog.  Maybe blogger liked them better than me today!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Stash Report Week #24

A finish!  My monochromatic project for the month is complete, for another 2 yards out.  I'm at 53 yards out for the year... I had to use  two different creams, which you can tell in this picture, as I had enough of neither to do the whole runner, and I really wanted it to be these colors (and I am NOT buying anything for the table runners.  I've bought enough for the year). (It will be for my mom... hi, Mom!)  I quilted this from the back, and surprisingly enough, I can only see a few spots where the tension was not great.  I am still learning to machine quilt (I love hand quilting, but time is only becoming more limited in my life!), and I think I take my "swoops" too fast.

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog, Patchwork Times.

From the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Despite some quality time with the storm shelter and guests yesterday, I've been busy...

There are 4 new hats for my etsy shop (as soon as I take pictures), including two in red, white, and blue for the Fourth of July!

My table runner is quilted and the machine stitching done on the binding.   Now to tie in threads and hand stitch the binding down!

Three ladies have sent me stars for my hexagon UFO project, and I have almost completed sewing together another 13!

My first Etsy sale!  (okay, from my sister, but I still got paid!)

My new business cards arrived.  They look a lot like my header (you can also check them out on facebook:!

We've been to the land twice and had yummy fresh potatoes.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Design Wall Monday

my UFO for the month = lots of little plastic hexagons and scraps of star fabric (and expected mail all next week, from 5-10 lovely ladies who are volunteering to send me 5" squares to help me make progress!)

my monochromatic project for the month = blocks for another table runner

Bear Cub Q likes to rearrange, so I can't keep the rows straight!
the perpetual hand-quilting project = sweat... we haven't turned on the air yet, despite 100+ days, and it's HOT under a queen-sized quilt!

Scraps to Treasures... too many little pieces that my kids like to rearrange, which is making it hard to keep in order

crocheting = yarn and needles and little girls want to try everything on!

Check out pictures of other design walls over at Judy's place.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Stash Report Week #23

I had a finish this week.  Here are the pictures to my UFO project.

Would anyone be interested in sending me snowflake or star fabrics?  All I need is a 5" square.  I will trade, or reimburse you for postage... I have been buying fabrics for years, but I still need lots... lots... and lots... so I have requested on the HGTV boards that anyone who is interested help me out, but I know I could have 100s more come and still not have enough.  My UFO for this month is my charm hexagon star and snowflake quilt.  Scroll down on this post to number 8 to see how far I am.  This week I have been cutting my yogurt and sour cream lids down into reusable hexagon shapes.  I'm finished cutting 5" squares from my fabrics and have been sorting them into sets of 13 for the shapes.  I am not planning to finish the quilt this month, I just want to make progress, so take care of all the accumulated lids, sort out what can be pieced together... make progress.

So... 5 yards out, and since my notebook isn't up here with me, I'm not sure where my totals stand.  I know there's 100+ more yards in than out, and that's all I need to know!

Oh, one more thing... if you've ever done a craft fair, do you have any advice for someone interested in starting to sell items at one?

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

ETA: I fixed the incorrect link.  Sorry!

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...