Friday, March 27, 2020

Empty Calendar Pages

I delivered eggs Tuesday and ran into Atwood’s to search for chicks and seeds.  Alas, no chicks, despite a phone call.  Someone was misinformed.  Since then, and before then, I’ve been at home.  The at home bit is fine, but not knowing what’s ahead for schooling (from home, with someone else’s homework and assignments) is knocking me for a loop.  We have kids in 8, 6, 4, 1, and PreK, and all of them will need computer access Monday for work.  PK and BJ need watching at the same time.  In addition, my husband is a teacher, and is expected to be available to students all day via internet.  Our “interwebs” are prone to fail without warning, so I am not looking forward to the adjustment period of next week.  Needless to say, I’ve spent a few days without the will to sew (a sure sign of anxiety and depression for me).  I’ll get my head back in the game soon, and I will find a way for my introverted self to recover.

I did finish 3 masks today, for a total of 7 so far. Most are to be donated, but I’m also making some for the family.  It would be better for us to wear masks when we clean out chicken coops, barns, and turn compost when it’s dusty, so now I’m finally getting them made.  I keep tweaking the designs, and maybe by the end I’ll have something I really like.  Q is a fan of his mask, so he wore it all day!

Here and there I’ve sewn together a few 16 patches, but it’s been so long since I worked on this that I lost track of the plan.  I need some time for sorting, and then maybe I’ll get these done!

Finally, the Garden Party posies are moving right along.  I may assemble some blocks into rows, just to keep the chaos in my corner from getting too out of hand.  I am grateful these little blocks work up quickly and require very little attention, as it is calming to finish them and see my tidy little pile grow.

Miss B is organizing a project of her own in yellow and black, with what appears to be a touch of red.

I am strongly considering a new project.  I need something to give me focus, and I don’t feel my scrappy sewing so far this year fits the bill.  I order some fabric from Vicki Welsh, and I think I may start a fox quilt in (mostly) oranges for BJ, who’s house color is orange and his stuffed animal is a fox.  I may at least dream about it!

Now, go visit all the teal projects!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S.  I hope you are all doing well, finding the groceries you need, and that your families are safe and well too.  I recognize I am fortunate that my husband has job security and we won’t have to worry about income.  I am grateful.  It is still hard.


Kate said...

I never considered the logistics for families with more than just a couple of kiddos who have to get on the Internet for school work. It's been challenging managing working from home with just the three of us. Video conferencing is a nightmare, we had one day where all three of us needed to video conference, the Internet dealt well, but none of us have great indoor voices. We finally figured that if I went to the bedroom, the SIT stayed in the dining room and My Guy went to the living room we were all far enough apart that the others conferences didn't interfere. Good luck. Hope you can find some time for a good spate of sanity stitching here and there.

Vicki W said...

I made a bunch of masks for my doctor but kept 2 for us. We do wear Tham at the store just to keep us from touching our faces. I'm looking forward to seeing a fox quilt!

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