Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Quiet Life

... is not what I’m living.  My older kids are expressing their anxiety by being as inflexible as concrete slabs.  (I can’t fault them, but it is tiring.). This makes it doubly challenging for me to get to my sewing, as DH is a teacher, so he’s working on how to teach the last 9 weeks remotely, so I spend a fair amount of time with seven fractious kids.  Today is National Quilting Day, so I’m going to find a way to get some sewing in!

I have managed to add a few posies to my collection and finished the Assistant’s skirt for Easter.  Of course, Easter looks like it will be celebrated at home this year, but we can still dress up!  I’m glad I already did some Easter basket shopping, as I’m pretty sure it’s no longer safe (in our area) to shop at all if avoidable.

Today, I embarked on a new sewing project.  A friend contacted me, asking if I would help sew fabric masks for nurses.  We can debate their efficacy (yes, I know they must be disinfected and are not anything like N95 respirators), but a nurse friend had specifically said they are desperate for anything, so I’m willing to chip in.  I need to find a way to add a little channel to add a pipe cleaner or something to make it tightly fitting at the nose, but at least I have something.  I’m also going to hunt in my sewing supplies for some cord stops, as that would be nicer than ties.

I love Angela’s houses, and maybe I should start something like that to represent each day of this isolation.  We’ve started a family journal to record thoughts, fears, and news as it develops.  It’s just so strange.

This is my weekly Rainbow Scrap Challenge post!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I am making masks to send to my sister who is a nurse at an assisted living center they need them too - I don't have elastic for looping around the ears so putting ties on them instead made from package bias tape that I had left overs from over the years stuffed in a drawer

The Joyful Quilter said...

Glad you found a way to use some TEAL scraps this week. Hang in there, Katie!! Send everyone outside and have the bigs watch the littles so you can sew for a little bit.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I imagine this is a tough time for kids to process things - nothing feels normal at all! Your family journal sounds like a great idea. I like those posies of yours! Hope you're able to get in a little sewing time here and there.

scraphappy said...

It is all so strange! Glad you are finding time to get sewing done though. I like the idea of pipe cleaners for the face masks. Fitting over the nose would help with holding out particles.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...