Saturday, March 7, 2020


I have thought often of sewing this week, but, alas, this has been another trying week.  It’s the season of life I’m in.  Our house is currently in upheaval as we try to shift the big girls to their own room.  This involves my husband giving up his office, and as he has (self-confessed) hoarder tendencies, there are quite a few boxes of things to rehome, throw away, or give away.  He’s doing great!  Miss G has a few issues that we are working on, but she needs to not have access to her sisters or their things, so we have to shift rooms.  The dust, chaos, and things are wearing on me.  DH will take the kids out for a while at lunch, and I’m going to sew and listen to calming music when they are gone.

I did finish another row of my temperature quilt and sewed both together.  As several of you so kind reassured me (really, sincerely, thank you), it looks much better after the first row.

This represents my very scanty collection of teal scraps remaining from my butterflies last year.  One block.  I’ll be making a few tan ones next week, time permitting.

I’m happy to have a few posies for Garden Party on the wall too.

Ooh, I forgot that I did finish another vest and a skirt.  (I promise I will take a picture eventually.  I have two left to go!)

Meanwhile, I haven’t finished the post and the kids are at the park.  I need to sew!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Vicki W said...

It sounds like you need to sew a little and rest a lot!

Kathy S. said...

Happy sewing while the kids are at the park. Can't wait to see the vest and skirt.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Moving rooms around is always such a lot of work! Hope you get through that and on to a bit of sewing soon. Your temperature quilt is going to get better and better!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Oh, goodness, Katie! It sounds like you've got your hands full. Hoping you actually managed some sewing time while the kids were out with your DH!

Kate said...

Hopefully this season too will pass and things will line out once you get the room situation lined out. Very nice of Your Guy to give you some breathing room to sew a bit. Hope you were able to get some good relaxation out of it. Fingers crossed that this week is not quite so crazy.

Susie H said...

I'm cheering you on to get the rooms sorted out and a smile on hubby's face. In spite of the busyness, you managed to do pretty good in the sewing room!

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