Saturday, March 14, 2020

Social Distancing and Sewing

I’m an introvert, so all this social distancing is right up my line.  Spring Break began Friday, I always keep my deep pantry well-stocked, and we are cancelling any planned excursions.  It is a strange thing to read about the empty shelves and lack of toilet paper, diapers, and wipes in our stores.  I’m not quite clear how we’re going to manage school in a week, as our schools seem to think they can manage despite gatherings over 250 being banned.

In the meantime, I’ve had a massive allergy attack from seven years of dust and all the pollen that has filled the air.  There’s too much to do in the garden to stay inside, but I plan to “let” the kids help me with outside chores this week.

Sewing has been hit and miss.  I explained to the big kids last night that everyone old enough to help needs to assist in EVERYONE getting a break from obligations, since I can’t exactly drive away from the house and go to a store like I sometimes do.  I am moving along on my Irish Chain quilt, although I did miss a day or two.  I finished one skirt.  I hope to finish one last courtyard step block today.

I hope all of you stay safe and well and have many happy hours of sewing ahead of you!  I do still need to find time to visit all the other blogs this weekend.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Vicki W said...

I'm all in on social distancing as well!

The Joyful Quilter said...

I've never been one to get cabin fever is a snow storm, but this "social distancing" thing is making me a bit crazy! I know it's for the best. Stay well!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Hope you get a nice balance of sewing and family time the next few weeks, Katie! Looks like you have some fun things up on that design wall!

Julierose said...

i am a homebody to begin with--and social distancing seems very practical during this time...
hugs stay safe Julierose

Mlada said...

I think it's also okay, even if they resume school in a week, to choose to keep your kids home until the numbers of cases go down. You have a baby, that's all the reason you need.

gayle said...

As an introvert, I've been practicing social distancing for years!
Enjoy your sewing and 'letting' the children help in the garden! 8)

scraphappy said...

I could be a professional in isolation. As long as there is fabric and food. Hope that the pollen dies down soon. It has been crazy here as well and we are hoping for a bit or rain to wash it down a bit.

Susie H said...

I've been noticing that I've a bit wheezy here lately too due to allergies wanting to kick in. However, on the flip side I've noticed a lot of leaf budding as I take my dog for her daily walk. There's always good with bad and, consequently, bad with good. I try to concentrate on the good! And, speaking of which, your teal blocks are looking GREAT! I hope your children appreciate the extra time they get to spend with their MOM!

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