Tuesday, February 1, 2022

February Goals

 January goals were pretty brief:

1.  A t-shirt quilt has been ordered.  I would like to finish it this month.  Done.  Delivered.

2. Scraps: trim, 1 red hexagon star, several farmhouse blocks, maybe 20 Valentine blocks, and sew up my triangles.  Done.  Extra hexagon blocks were finished, but the triangles are going to take much longer than I expected.

3.  Rhododendron Mystery: keep up with the clues.  As of writing this post, I have two short borders left to attach, and then it’s on to backing.  I don’t want to piece a backing or dye and piece one (my fabric is not wide enough), so I suspect I will order an extra wide backing.

4.  Mending.  Maybe.  T-shirt quilt first.  Negative.  The mending pile is just sitting.

For February, I like to think my goals are still reasonable.

1.  Scraps: trim, 4 teal flowers or rounds, eight more farmhouse blocks, a small quilt from 2.5” bricks, and more triangles into four patches.  If I finish all that, I will add some teal flowers for a quilt I want to make in March.

2. Finish the Rhododendron Mystery.

3.  Make a weighted blanket for my niece before her newest sibling is born.

I need to get to work!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Good luck with your February goals!

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